
In our installation of Request Tracker, running 5.0.5, both elevator-light and elevator-dark themes have display issues with the menu after logging in. The dark version doesn’t look nearly at bad as the light version, but you can tell there’s definitely some mis-alignment happening:

Elevator Light:

I thought it might be an issue with rt-header-container since it’s height (17.53px) is different from the height of our logo (26.91px) but for the life of me I’ve not been able to figure out how to change / update this. When I check the server, I see rt-header-container is located in the following files:

grep -R rt-header-container *
share/static/js/util.js:        jQuery('#li-page-actions > ul').css('max-height', jQuery(window).height() - jQuery('#rt-header-container').height());
share/html/NoAuth/css/elevator-light/AfterMenus:            jQuery('#li-page-actions > ul').css('max-height', jQuery(window).height() - jQuery('#rt-header-container').height());
share/html/Elements/PageLayout:% # Close div for rt-header-container started in Header
share/html/Elements/Login:% # Close div for rt-header-container started in Header
share/html/Elements/Header:<div id='rt-header-container'>

The JavaScript I believe is for dynamically creating the drop down menus, so I looked at Login, Header, and PageLayout. Nothing there was obvious:


% $m->callback( %ARGS, CallbackName => 'Header' );
<& /Elements/Header, Title => loc('Login'), Focus => '#user', RichText => 0 &>
% # Close div for rt-header-container started in Header


% if ( $ShowBar || $ShowTitle ) {
<div id='tt-header-container'>
% }


% if ($m->comp_exists($beforenav_plugin) ) {
<& $beforenav_plugin &>
% }
% if ( $show_menu ) {
<div id="main-navigation"><& /Elements/Menu, menu => Menu(), id => 'app-nav' &></div>
<div id="page-navigation" class="btn-group page-nav-shadow"><& /Elements/Menu, menu => PageMenu(), id => 'page-menu', class => 'page-menu', 'parent_id' => 'page' &></div>
% }
<div id="topactions"><& /Elements/WidgetBar, menu => PageWidgets() &></div>
% if ($m->comp_exists($aftermenu_plugin) ) {
<& $aftermenu_plugin &>
% }
% # Close div for rt-header-container started in Header

Any suggestions?

Could you make your logo smaller?