RT for Asset Management


We use your tracking software for our help desk. I was wondering if you
have heard of anyone using your tracking software for asset management.
It’s web based feel is great, so if I could stay with RT to do asset
management, I would.

If you have heard of anyone could you please write to me about that


Digital Department
Fast Company
(617) 973-0300

Go Sox!

Hey Dan,
Several folks have talked about building RT Asset Managment, but so
far, I haven’t seen any code or concrete plans…

JesseOn Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 10:23:50AM -0400, Dan Fulton wrote:


We use your tracking software for our help desk. I was wondering if you
have heard of anyone using your tracking software for asset management.
It’s web based feel is great, so if I could stay with RT to do asset
management, I would.

If you have heard of anyone could you please write to me about that


Digital Department
Fast Company
(617) 973-0300

Go Sox!

Rt-devel mailing list

jesse reed vincent — root@eruditorum.orgjesse@fsck.com
pgp keyprint: 50 41 9C 03 D0 BC BC C8 2C B9 77 26 6F E1 EB 91
that’s security the same way that asking for directions to topeka and
being told that a seal is a mammal is informative

We use your tracking software for our help desk. I was wondering if you
have heard of anyone using your tracking software for asset management.
It’s web based feel is great, so if I could stay with RT to do asset
management, I would.

A Asset Tracker built on top of RT will come, but only after RT2 is out &
stable�, and only if enough persons are willing to hack such a thing�.

� That will be accelerated considerably if more of you download and
submit bugs about the latest cvs version (tag rt-1-1).

� I might be willing to make such a thing, but not for free.

“The trouble with the world is that the stupid are
cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.”

  • Bertrand Russell

� I might be willing to make such a thing, but not for free.

Correction: not gratis :slight_smile: If I make such a thing, it will certainly be
free and GNU licensed. I just don’t have time to do it at the moment,
because of my current employment.

“The trouble with the world is that the stupid are
cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.”

  • Bertrand Russell