RT-Extension-ResetPassword Plugin Not Working

I have installed the RT-Extension-ResetPassword plugin. When I try to send Send new password email I get the below errors. Also I am not getting the forgot password Link on login page
Any insight what I am doing wrong and how this can be fixed

[3201240] [Thu Mar 16 07:23:47 2023] [error]: Found more than one occurrence of the /Callbacks/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/Admin/Users/Modify.html/BeforeUpdate callback.  This may cause only one of the callbacks to run.  Look for the duplicate Callback in your /opt/rt5/local/html /opt/rt5/local/plugins/RT-IR/html /opt/rt5/local/plugins/RT-Extension-ActivityReports/html /opt/rt5/local/plugins/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/html /opt/rt5/local/plugins/RT-Extension-RepeatTicket/html /opt/rt5/local/plugins/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/html /opt/rt5/share/html (/opt/rt5/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web/Request.pm:132)
[3201240] [Thu Mar 16 07:23:47 2023] [error]: Couldn't load template 'PasswordReset' (/opt/rt5/local/plugins/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/html/Callbacks/RT-Extension-ResetPassword/Admin/Users/Modify.html/BeforeUpdate:17)


I forgot to initialize DB after compiling the plugin. Doing so fixed the issue.

closing my own issue :slight_smile:

I ran into the exact same problem, for the exact same reason.

But while the instructions (perl Makefile.PL, make, make install, make initdb) will obviously work if you’re building the module from scratch, I installed it from CPAN, and I’m not sure where I’m supposed to run make initdb.