
Hello, I hope you’re doing well. I have a concern.

We want to know if there is a RT extension to create quite attractive dashboards, if so? What is its name and how to install it?

Would you like me to provide additional information or answer any other questions you may have?

You can create dashboards in the core version, and you can have these dashboards contain searchs (and their results) along with charts!

Define “quite attractive” :wink:

RT is what it is, you could add some styles to CSS to change things around a bit, or even write your own theme, but I’m not sure if anyone has ever done that.

RT 5.x (or 4.x with the REST extension) does have a good API so you could call that directly from something like PowerBI, or even dive straight into the database. In the latter case, be warned, it is gnarly in places.


Hello Mr SimonW
Do you have experience using rest api and PowerBI?

Do you have experience using rest api and PowerBI?

Not in recent years. I last looked when we had the REST plugin installed on v4.x, which is now native in v5.x. PowerBI will have improved a lot since then too.

I will be looking more closely once we’ve completed our RT upgrade to 5.0.7


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thanks to respond my question. i need find one way to connect and show data in the PowerBI