RT Creating 2 tickets everytime

Whenever I create a test ticket, or a customer submits one, RT creates two tickets. They’re in subsequent numerical order (i.e. 255, and 256)

Im not sure where to check to see why these duplicate tickets are being made.

Can anyone offer any advise on this issue?


Try monitoring the RT log when you create a ticket and see if there are any clues there.
e.g. tail -f /opt/rt4/var/log/rt.log

You may need to enable debug in RT_SiteConfig.pm with the following…
sudo vi /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm

Add the following if not already present…
Set($LogToFile , ‘debug’);
Set($LogToFileNamed , “rt.log”);
Set($LogDir, ‘/opt/rt4/var/log’);

You may also need to check the mail.log…
sudo tail -f /var/log/mail.log

What scrips are you running on create? Also is one ticket a dependency on another, or are they separate?
