RT Content NOT LIKE search failed


I found some bug with search on my system:

I use it without sphinx, in RT_SiteConfig.pm: Set(%FullTextSearch, Enable => 1, Indexed => 0,);

Search like: [Content LIKE ‘Intel’ AND Status = ‘open’ AND Queue = ‘support’] showed me ticket with ids: 15, 18, 26
When I need search and not include “Intel” in result: [Content NOT LIKE ‘Intel’ AND ( Status = ‘open’ AND Queue = ‘support’ )] its showed me ticket ids: 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17,18,22, 25,26,28,30

So “NOT LIKE” doesn’t works . For Subject its works, only with Content I see fails.

Maybe I’m wrong? But I see something error like this in this thread: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.bug-tracking.request-tracker.devel/6725


smime.p7s (4.03 KB)


It works, but in not expected way. It probably finds all tickets that have
at least one reply without the text. You probably want tickets that don’t
mention the word at all.

Feel free to file a bug report, but it would be treated as feature request
and I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be implemented in RT 4.0.On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Sergey Putko mail@psvlan.com wrote:


I found some bug with search on my system:

I use it without sphinx, in RT_SiteConfig.pm: Set(%FullTextSearch, Enable
=> 1, Indexed => 0,);

Search like: [Content LIKE ‘Intel’ AND Status = ‘open’ AND Queue =
‘support’] showed me ticket with ids: 15, 18, 26
When I need search and not include “Intel” in result: [Content NOT LIKE
‘Intel’ AND ( Status = ‘open’ AND Queue = ‘support’ )] its showed me
ticket ids: 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17,18,22, 25,26,28,30

So “NOT LIKE” doesn’t works . For Subject its works, only with Content I
see fails.

Maybe I’m wrong? But I see something error like this in this thread:


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Best regards, Ruslan.