
Hi Folks;


I am looking for pointers to use RT::Client::REST in particular how to populate/update custom fields,any one used this for 3.6.1 (Dmitri ??);


I am looking for pointers to use RT::Client::REST in particular how to
populate/update custom fields,any one used this for 3.6.1
(Dmitri ??);

Gosh, it’s been a while since I touched this :slight_smile:

RT::Client::REST::Object (and, therefore,
RT::Client::REST::Object::Ticket) has method ‘cf’ which should work. If
it does not, file a bug and I’ll take care of it.

  • Dmitri.

Got it working a treat, but I need to be able to disable accounts and
re-enable them, is this possible with RT::Client::REST?

If not, how would one do it?



Got it working a treat, but I need to be able to disable accounts and
re-enable them, is this possible with RT::Client::REST?

If we look at next page 1, it is not possible. I tried to several
actions in a custom program for working with users, and I was not able
to do.

If not, how would one do it?

You could do using MySQL queries.

Best regards,

Alberto Villanueva


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Alberto Villanueva wrote:

Got it working a treat, but I need to be able to disable accounts and
re-enable them, is this possible with RT::Client::REST?

If we look at next page [1], it is not possible. I tried to several
actions in a custom program for working with users, and I was not able
to do.

If not, how would one do it?

You could do using MySQL queries.

I was trying to avoid talking to the RT DB directly - the other option
is to change the name to name.disabled (or some random string) as I am
tracking the numeric ID, so that would be a solution. I guess the other
option is to disable the internal auth and use my DB for auth (which
it’s already doing, I just haven’t disabled the internal one.)

For information only, I’m running a separate DB which provides
authentication into other systems, and RT will use it and fall back to
it’s own. I’m currently merging the 2 so that the account creation and
update in my DB will replicate the changes to the old RT installation
and have a ‘verify email’ before making active function in my DB. I
wanted to disable the account in RT if they changed their email until
such time as they verified it.


Alberto Villanueva wrote:

Got it working a treat, but I need to be able to disable accounts and
re-enable them, is this possible with RT::Client::REST?

If we look at next page [1], it is not possible. I tried to several
actions in a custom program for working with users, and I was not able
to do.

If not, how would one do it?

You could do using MySQL queries.

I was trying to avoid talking to the RT DB directly - the other option
is to change the name to name.disabled (or some random string) as I am
tracking the numeric ID, so that would be a solution. I guess the other
option is to disable the internal auth and use my DB for auth (which
it’s already doing, I just haven’t disabled the internal one.)

For information only, I’m running a separate DB which provides
authentication into other systems, and RT will use it and fall back to
it’s own. I’m currently merging the 2 so that the account creation and
update in my DB will replicate the changes to the old RT installation
and have a ‘verify email’ before making active function in my DB. I
wanted to disable the account in RT if they changed their email until
such time as they verified it.

You can certainly use the RT perl API to disable/enable users.
RT-Authen-ExternalAuth can also manage passwords/enable|disable users
from an external sql db, but it only checks when a user tries to log
