RT Billing?


I’ve seen that someone has mentioned that RT::Billing will be released
soon ? What is this and who’s making it and when is going to be released ?
/me very very curious

I’ve seen that someone has mentioned that RT::Billing will be released
soon ? What is this and who’s making it and when is going to be released ?
/me very very curious

/me supports the inquiry


Serge van Ginderachter http://www.vanginderachter.be/

Thou shalt not conf before thy morning coffee.

I’ve seen that someone has mentioned that RT::Billing will be released
soon ? What is this and who’s making it and when is going to be released ?
/me very very curious

Mentioned by me, written by me. Cleaning it up and packaging it is
pretty high on my TODO list, but it’s an off-hours project, and this
time of year is very busy for those of us working in US universities, so
it might be a month or so. I don’t generally pimp my software on lists,
so if you want to know when it’s up, send me a message off-list and I’ll
let you know.

My RT stuff is at the URL below:

Matthew Keller
Information Security Officer & Network Administrator
Computing & Technology Services
State University of New York @ Potsdam
Potsdam, NY, USA