RT at a Glance error after upgrade from 4.011 to 4.0.12

After upgrade from 4.0.11 to 4.0.12 I get these errors in the rt.log when
access RT at a Glance from the Modify users page and from the Tools >
Configuration > Global > RT at a Glance menus.

This is only occurring under root as all users do not have access to the
tools or user menus

Error on screen when trying to access RT at a Glance from the webui
“An internal RT error has occurred. Your administrator can find more details
in RT’s log files.”

I have the mod_perl set, not a change for us since we were using it before
the upgrade.

below is errors from rt4/var/log. System_Configuration.html

[Mon May 13 17:41:52 2013] [error]: Can’t call method “Content” on an
undefined value at /opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/Users/MyRT.html line 96.


and this error

[Mon May 13 17:59:59 2013] [error]: Can’t call method “Content” on an
undefined value at /opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html line 69,
line 1662.

mysql> select
→ id, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectId from Attributes
→ where ObjectType=‘RT::System’;
| id | Name | Description |
ObjectType | ObjectId |
| 1 | QueueCacheNeedsUpdate | 0 |
RT::System | 1 |
| 2 | Search - My Tickets | [_1] highest priority tickets I own |
RT::System | 1 |
| 3 | Search - Unowned Tickets | [_1] newest unowned tickets |
RT::System | 1 |
| 4 | Search - Bookmarked Tickets | Bookmarked Tickets |
RT::System | 1 |
| 5 | HomepageSettings | HomepageSettings |
RT::System | 1 |
| 9 | SavedSearch | [_1] My Tickets |
RT::System | 1 |
| 12 | SavedSearch | My Request |
RT::System | 1 |
| 14 | UserLogo | User-provided logo |
RT::System | 1 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id, Name, Created, LastUpdated from Users where Name in
→ (‘RT_System’, ‘Nobody’, ‘root’);
| id | Name | Created | LastUpdated |
| 1 | RT_System | 2013-01-10 21:07:52 | 2013-01-10 21:07:52 |
| 6 | Nobody | 2013-01-10 21:07:52 | 2013-01-10 21:07:52 |
| 12 | root | 2013-01-10 21:07:52 | 2013-01-14 13:37:29 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id, Domain, Type, Created, LastUpdated from Groups where Type
→ (‘Everyone’, ‘Privileged’, ‘Unprivileged’);
| id | Domain | Type | Created | LastUpdated
| 3 | SystemInternal | Everyone | 2013-01-10 21:07:52 | 2013-01-10
21:07:52 |
| 4 | SystemInternal | Privileged | 2013-01-10 21:07:52 | 2013-01-10
21:07:52 |
| 5 | SystemInternal | Unprivileged | 2013-01-10 21:07:52 | 2013-01-10
21:07:52 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

View this message in context: http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/RT-at-a-Glance-error-after-upgrade-from-4-011-to-4-0-12-tp53829.html

Both of the errors I am seeing are only occurring under the ROOT login

Tools > Configuration > Users ( Select a user and from their page hit RT at
a Glance )

Tools > Configuration > Global > RT at a Glance menu.

I receive the error “An internal RT error has occurred. Your administrator
can find more details in RT’s log files.”
Error log messages in first post

All other links are working under ROOT or a USER ID

One more note The RT at A Glance is working from Settings > RT at a Glance

View this message in context: http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/RT-at-a-Glance-error-after-upgrade-from-4-011-to-4-0-12-tp53829p53887.html

Both of the errors I am seeing are only occurring under the ROOT login

Tools > Configuration > Users ( Select a user and from their page hit RT
a Glance )

Tools > Configuration > Global > RT at a Glance menu.

I receive the error “An internal RT error has occurred. Your administrator
can find more details in RT’s log files.”
Error log messages in first post

Kevin, please provide the error log in question. This will greatly help in
debugging the problem.


In my first post I placed the errors, but here they are again. The
entire log file is too large to load here

This error is from the Global menu RT at a Glance
[Thu May 16 17:32:48 2013] [error]: Can’t call method “Content” on an
undefined value at /opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html line 69.


This error is from the users page RT at a Glance


Kevin Comer
Linux Admin
Veracitypayment Solutions
404-492-6591On 05/16/2013 01:29 PM, Jok Thuau wrote:

On 5/16/13 10:22 AM, “Kevin” kevin.comer@veracitypayments.com wrote:

Both of the errors I am seeing are only occurring under the ROOT login

Tools > Configuration > Users ( Select a user and from their page hit RT
a Glance )

Tools > Configuration > Global > RT at a Glance menu.

I receive the error “An internal RT error has occurred. Your administrator
can find more details in RT’s log files.”
Error log messages in first post
Kevin, please provide the error log in question. This will greatly help in
debugging the problem.


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Can any one provide any insight as to why this is not working? I have since
upgraded to 4.0.13 and the issue still exist. I have also notice that when
logged in as user the rt at a glance is not working correctly with searches
that were set up for Un owned ticket

Also this issue exist for me in both y test env and my production env, both
were upgraded at the same time.

When tailing the log and trying to access the rt at a glance from the root
user and menu section Tools > Configuration > Global > RT at a Glance I get
the following error in the log, no other messages come from the log

[Wed May 29 14:57:54 2013] [error]: Can’t call method “Content” on an
undefined value at /opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html line 69.


View this message in context: http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/RT-at-a-Glance-error-after-upgrade-from-4-011-to-4-0-12-tp53829p54098.html

When tailing the log and trying to access the rt at a glance from the root
user and menu section Tools > Configuration > Global > RT at a Glance I get
the following error in the log, no other messages come from the log

[Wed May 29 14:57:54 2013] [error]: Can’t call method “Content” on an
undefined value at /opt/rt4/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html line 69.


Please send to the list two files:


Additionally, in which language do you use RT?

I am using the default English no language changes have been done.

Attached are the files requested as well as the rt.log.

MyRT.html http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/file/n54102/MyRT.html

rt.log.gz http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/file/n54102/rt.log.gz

View this message in context: http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/RT-at-a-Glance-error-after-upgrade-from-4-011-to-4-0-12-tp53829p54102.html

I am using the default English no language changes have been done.

Attached are the files requested as well as the rt.log.

MyRT.html http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/file/n54102/MyRT.html

rt.log.gz http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/file/n54102/rt.log.gz

I’m stumped, and despite multiple reports unable to reproduce the
problem in other RTs. Can you add the following line to

use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($_);

Add it right after the line which reads:

my ( $desc, $loc_desc, $search ) = @$_;

Then clear your mason cache (rm -rf var/mason_data/obj) and restart RT.

The logs should have the new Data::Dumper output you added when you hit
Configuration → Global → RT At a Glance. Send the full logs that are



Your reply trigged a thought that I didn’t clear the mason cache after the
upgrades. I just cleared the cache and now it is functioning correctly.

Thank you for taking a deeper look into this issue, please accept my apology
for the the extra hoops I put you through,

I can chalk this one up to not clearing the cache after the upgrade on both
the .12 and .13 upgrades

If you would still like to me to do the data dumper for the MyRT.html, lmk

Thanks again for taking the time to look into this issue.

View this message in context: http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/RT-at-a-Glance-error-after-upgrade-from-4-011-to-4-0-12-tp53829p54122.html


Your reply trigged a thought that I didn’t clear the mason cache after the
upgrades. I just cleared the cache and now it is functioning correctly.

Thank you for taking a deeper look into this issue, please accept my apology
for the the extra hoops I put you through,

I can chalk this one up to not clearing the cache after the upgrade on both
the .12 and .13 upgrades

If you would still like to me to do the data dumper for the MyRT.html, lmk

Thanks again for taking the time to look into this issue.

Glad it’s resolved. I don’t need the data dumper output. That’s a
likely scenario, I guess I ruled it out since a number of people
reported it. :slight_smile: