RT as a virtual host in a working web server not working

I have a working web server (webserver.domainname.com) and I installed
RT 3.2.1 on that box as a virtual host (rt.domainname.com) and followed
all the instructions.

Here is my RT config.

Define the directory name to be used for images in rt web


If you’re putting the web ui somewhere other than at the root of

your server

$WebPath requires a leading / but no trailing /

Set($WebPath , “/opt/rt3/share/html”);

This is the Scheme, server and port for constructing urls to webrt

$WebBaseURL doesn’t need a trailing /

Set($WebBaseURL , “http://rt.domainname.com”);

Here is my Apache Config.

DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
ServerName rt.appiancorp.com
RewriteEngine on
ServerAdmin admin@domainname.com
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/$ http://rt.domainname.com$1/index.html
PerlModule Apache2 Apache::compat
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl

SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler RT::Mason ErrorLog logs/rt.domainname.com/error_log CustomLog logs/rt.domainname.com/access_log common

Here is the problem. When I set the RT configuration setting to reflect
this: Set($WebBaseURL , “http://webserver.domainname.com”); and also
change the entry to the apache config to RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/$
http://webserver.domainname.com$1/index.html , RT works fine and it’s
functioning as if it were the main web server on that machine, but when
I reverse the all thing and set the RT config to point to
rt.domainname.com and the apache config to reflect the same. RT just
does not load on the browser and there is no error log in
/var/log/messages or to either /var/log/httpd/error_log or even to
/var/log/httpd/rt.domainname.com/error_log. So why isn’t RT working when
it’s a virtual host with it’s own IP and own domain. Not that the
virtual IP is bound to a virtual Ethernet on that server (eth0:1). I can
ping that IP, but just can get RT to work as a virtual host

Here is the problem. When I set the RT configuration setting to
reflect this: Set($WebBaseURL , “http://webserver.domainname.com”);
and also change the entry to the apache config to RedirectMatch
permanent (.*)/$ http://webserver.domainname.com$1/index.html , RT
works fine and it’s functioning as if it were the main web server
on that machine, but when I reverse the all thing and set the RT
config to point to
rt.domainname.com and the apache config to reflect the same. RT just
does not load on the browser and there is no error log in
/var/log/messages or to either /var/log/httpd/error_log or even to
/var/log/httpd/rt.domainname.com/error_log. So why isn’t RT working
when it’s a virtual host with it’s own IP and own domain. Not that
the virtual IP is bound to a virtual Ethernet on that server
(eth0:1). I can ping that IP, but just can get RT to work as a
virtual host _______________________________________________

Do you have a valid DNS record to point to rt.domainname.com? In other
words, can you ping rt.domainname.com from another computer on the
