I have went through the install documentation which is fairly sendmail
friendly, but when my support alias receives an e-mail via postfix, I get an
autoresponder saying ticket creation failed. I verified that a support
queue exists, but what else am I missing?
– Kevin
I have went through the install documentation which is fairly sendmail
friendly, but when my support alias receives an e-mail via postfix, I get an
autoresponder saying ticket creation failed. I verified that a support
queue exists, but what else am I missing?
At a guess, the user that you have running your rt-mailgate does not have
permission to access the RT queue. This is due to one or more of basic
permission problems (ie, can said user read etc/config.pm), SQL access
problems (ie, can the rt_user access the SQL database from the host
running rt-mailgate, although thats really a different error) or RT access
rights (just who can Create/Update tickets, and does RT know about them -
usually a good idea to allow the ‘Everyone’ group the Rights to Create and
Modify Tickets in each queue).
Special added bonus - saying the above three times backwards in one breath
will result in dizziness and a new state of enlightenment 
Bruce Campbell RIPE
Systems/Network Engineer NCC
www.ripe.net - PGP562C8B1B Operations