RT 5.0.1 and RTIR 5.0.1 Released

We’re happy to announce that RT 5.0.1 and RTIR 5.0.1 are both now available. These releases are mostly bug fixes for issues found since the 5.0.0 releases, but they also contain some new features. Our documentation site has notes on upgrading and you can also view release notes for both releases:

Below are links to download the new releases:

RT 5.0.1


SHA-256 sums

6c181cc592c48a2cba8b8df1d45fda0938d70f84ceeba1afc436f16a6090f556 rt-5.0.1.tar.gz
4b7a40a648e2e82575bcfa9d289b4b87129d3a437d0f0161666595cc8a373907 rt-5.0.1.tar.gz.asc

RTIR 5.0.1


SHA-256 sums

704e3c8c3f06492dd9f5b7003c6f8e9062b4556da58cb752ae3d1f37183715ed RT-IR-5.0.1.tar.gz
35e8342650b7ee842a32ec67234fac8dddead8e34c2f66c58f1a2bbd67372109 RT-IR-5.0.1.tar.gz.asc


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If people have issues upgrading their Perl modules, do note that some miscreants hijacked perl.com, which may mean your CPAN urllist may need updating with mirrors pointing elsewhere. I had to both remove the “sources” directory under ~/.cpan as well as make sure my urllist pointed to a different location to get the testdeps/fixdeps to work. The perl team is well aware of this issue and is working on a fix, but it was a blocking factor this morning.

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@Jim_Brandt I have an issue about upgrading among them. Please tell me the solution how i can upgrade this. :slightly_smiling_face: