RT 4.2 Logo Height/width not being set

I’m trying to set the height and width of our logo to a more readable size.
There doesn’t appear to an option for this in the theme manager. Is there
CSS code that can be directly entered that I’m not aware of (CSS isn’t my
strongest attribute)

I’ve set the $LogoImageHeight and $LogoImageWidth values in
RT_SiteConfig.pm and restarted httpd, but the settings aren’t being


“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at
all.” - God; Futurama

“We’ll get along much better once you accept that you’re wrong and neither
am I.” - Me

I’m trying to set the height and width of our logo to a more readable size. There doesn’t
appear to an option for this in the theme manager. Is there CSS code that can be directly
entered that I’m not aware of (CSS isn’t my strongest attribute)
I’ve set the $LogoImageHeight and $LogoImageWidth values in RT_SiteConfig.pm and restarted
httpd, but the settings aren’t being effected.

The CSS is logo, applied to a div.
You can force a taller height, but be careful how that works with the
menus. You can play around in the css box on the Theme page until you
get css that works. You’ll find that the trivial solution (something
like div#logo { height: 42 } floats behind the rest of the page and
you need to actually go change the #header div to float down, etc etc.

Keep in mind that the various themes may want different css.

Thanks for pointing out that $LogoImageHeight and $LogoImageWidth need
better language, and likely to be deprecated in a future release of RT.
I’ve opened Login
about them.
