RT 4.2.0rc1 released

We’re extremely excited to announce the availability of RT 4.2.0rc1 -
the first release candidate for the next major version of RT.

We would be thrilled to hear your experiences installing or upgrading to
this release; the more feedback we get, the sooner the official release
of RT 4.2.0 can occur. Please be sure to review the upgrading
documentation available in docs/UPGRADING-4.2, as there are a number
of backward-incompatible changes that come along with the new
version number. Upgrading documentation is also available here:


3e82778fa3f820dd87c8c60e174aec5ce0fc643f rt-4.2.0rc1.tar.gz
4a8aac0a0d65fe9db94d89de0d56dd44ee4cbc1d rt-4.2.0rc1.tar.gz.asc

A partial list of the new features in RT 4.2.0 is included below. Many
of the new features will also be described and demoed in a series of
blog posts on http://blog.bestpractical.com/ in the coming weeks.

  • Alex Vandiver, for Best Practical
  • Much improved reporting via search result charting

    • Multiple group by and statistic calculations in a table
    • Time statistics such as average, minimum, and maximum durations
      between Created and Resolved, Created and Started, Started and
      Resolved, and more.
    • More robust layout of charts
  • Increased performance for searches and ticket pages

    • Faster searches on all databases (especially Pg)
    • Ticket pages load quicker
    • Menus load before the rest of the page is loaded
    • History is loaded asynchronously
    • Faster serving of static assets
  • Scrips per queue

    • Apply scrips globally or ad-hoc to individual queues, a la custom
    • Less duplication of scrips and/or need for empty templates
  • Custom field groupings

    • Display CFs in configurable groupings (boxes) on the ticket
      display/edit pages
    • Includes arbitrary grouping names as well as standard ticket
      groupings (Basics, Dates, People, Links, etc.)
  • User summary pages

    • Display information about users such as tickets, history, groups,
    • An extended “More about requestors” page for any user
    • Easy to get to via links and user search
  • HTML templates enabled by default for new installs, available for
    upgrades too

  • History improvements

    • Rich text/HTML messages are preferred for display by default
    • Images are inlined with text in ticket history display instead of
      presented at bottom
    • Clickable users, tickets, articles, and other items
  • Many interface improvements, such as:

    • Per-user preferences for the dashboards which appear in the Home
    • Floating page menu for quicker access to ticket actions, subpages,
    • Autocomplete for ticket links, including when merging
    • Autocomplete available to self service users
    • Improved CF and links display in search results
    • Sticky simple search for quick search refinements
    • Attachments on reply can no longer be mixed up when replying to
      multiple tickets at once
    • ReassignTicket right to assign tickets without stealing first;
      useful for managers
  • S/MIME support integrated with GnuPG support

    • Decrypt and verify incoming GPG and SMIME messages
    • Send all outgoing messages as either GPG or SMIME
  • Migration tools

    • Migrate from one database type to another (MySQL, Pg, Oracle)
    • Merge multiple RT instances together
  • Thousands of bug fixes; nearly 2000 commits totalling more than
    250,000 lines of code changed.

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