RT 4.2.0 jquery.min.map 404

In attempting to diagnose other issues, I’ve found that RT is
requesting a jquery file that does not exist. The path is below:


The initiator of the request seems to be made from every page.

Is this something wrong with my config that it’s not looking for the
correct file, or is this a bug in the code?


In attempting to diagnose other issues, I’ve found that RT is
requesting a jquery file that does not exist. The path is below:


The initiator of the request seems to be made from every page.

Is this something wrong with my config that it’s not looking for the
correct file, or is this a bug in the code?

Neither. This is Google Chrome attempting to look for a feature which
RT doesn’t have – namely, source maps for minimized JS files. You can
read about this Chrome feature at

  • Alex

Ahh, thank you for the explanation.On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Alex Vandiver alexmv@bestpractical.com wrote:

On Mon, 2013-11-18 at 16:17 -0500, Tod Detre wrote:

In attempting to diagnose other issues, I’ve found that RT is
requesting a jquery file that does not exist. The path is below:


The initiator of the request seems to be made from every page.

Is this something wrong with my config that it’s not looking for the
correct file, or is this a bug in the code?

Neither. This is Google Chrome attempting to look for a feature which
RT doesn’t have – namely, source maps for minimized JS files. You can
read about this Chrome feature at

  • Alex
