RT 4.0.22rc1 released

RT 4.0.22rc1 – 2014-09-04

RT 4.0.22rc1 is now available for testing.


SHA1 sums

81c02a4f8650cf8416455de5ad656c0e15f3afc8 rt-4.0.22rc1.tar.gz
645d763f847da66d145e15afeaee5cd10f7fd9c4 rt-4.0.22rc1.tar.gz.sig

This release is primarily a bugfix release; most notably, it reworks
UTF8 data handling to work with versions of DBD::Pg 3.3.0 and above. On
PostgreSQL, this requires a newer version of DBIx::SearchBuilder.

General user UI

  • Fix styling of “There are unread messages” box in aileron
  • Keep date and datetime custom field inputs during failed ticket
  • Silence warnings from emails without Content-Transfer-Encoding
  • Silence warnings on user modify pages for disabled users


  • Reduce values queried using “rt ls” to only those displayed; this
    speeds request time significantly when a large number of custom
    fields are applied


  • Add an additional suggested index on Attachments’ Creator for
    deleting users with Shredder
  • Fix rt-dump-metadata, by removing PrivateKey from _Accessible
  • Rework internals dealing with characters/bytes, for better internal
    consistency, and su support DBD::Pg 3.3.0 and above.


  • Correct documentation on where Shredder places sqldump files (#19167)

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
git log rt-4.0.21…rt-4.0.22rc1
or visiting
Comparing rt-4.0.21...rt-4.0.22rc1 · bestpractical/rt · GitHub