RT 4.0.2 ExternalAuth and phpbb3


I would like to use phpbb3 base to auth to my RT.

Problem is here:


The Perl package & subroutine used to encrypt passwords

                                                    # e.g. if the

passwords are stored using the MySQL v3.23 “PASSWORD”
# function,
then you will need Crypt::MySQL::password, but for the
# MySQL4+
password function you will need Crypt::MySQL::password41
Alternatively, you could use Digest::MD5::md5_hex or any other
# encryption
subroutine you can load in your perl installation
=> ‘Crypt::MySQL’,
=> ‘password41’,

I’m not sure which function I should use.

Adrian Stelmaszyk


I would like to use phpbb3 base to auth to my RT.

Problem is here:


The Perl package & subroutine used to encrypt passwords

                                                   # e.g. if the

passwords are stored using the MySQL v3.23 “PASSWORD”
# function,
then you will need Crypt::MySQL::password, but for the
# MySQL4+
password function you will need Crypt::MySQL::password41
Alternatively, you could use Digest::MD5::md5_hex or any other
# encryption
subroutine you can load in your perl installation
=> ‘Crypt::MySQL’,
=> ‘password41’,

I’m not sure which function I should use.

Adrian Stelmaszyk

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)

  • Barcelona, Spain November 28 & 29, 2011

Assuming phpbb use this password library
Portable PHP password hashing ("password encryption") framework, as suggested in this post
phpBB • How to Encrypt password with the new system?.
Then you could probably use that library’s perl port available here
Authen::Passphrase::PHPass - passphrases using the phpass algorithm - metacpan.org
to authenticate your users.

Otherwise I’m guessing you will have to port phpbb’s hashing function
to perl using the version that came with your phpbb as reference.


Carlos Ramos