RT 3.8.4 Apache2 Segmentation Fault


ubuntu 9.04
Xeon Processor
4GB memory
LDAP AD authentication windows 2003
upgrade from 3.2.2 to 3.8.4 everthing appears to be ok.
server is running RT3 and nothing else.


When there is a period of inactivity, particular for a few hours, and when
a user logs back in, the apache error logs indicates
“Mon Jul 27 10:48:21 2009] [notice] child pid 2894 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11”

the webpage became white and multiple refresh of the page bring rt website
back to the logon page.

When a user logs back in and apply the "Refresh this page every X minutes,
than there is no segmentation fault on the apache log and all appears to
be well.

There is no indication what the problem is on the logs /var/log/messages,
/var/log/syslog, /var/log/rt.log /opt/rt3/var/log/apache2.error before or
after “segemntation fault” for me to properly diagnoise this.

I have played with the numbers on the apache2 and mysql links below and
still can’t resolve this.


below are my httpd.conf file and RT system configuration (santized) -
hope someone can shed some light on this.
Appreciate your assistance!

Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
StartServers 5
MaxClients 150
MaxRequestsPerChild 100

<VirtualHost :80>
DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
ServerName ticket.helpdesk.abc.com
ServerAlias ticket.

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
ServerAdmin helpme@abc.com

#optional apache logs for RT
ErrorLog /opt/rt3/var/log/apache2.error
TransferLog /opt/rt3/var/log/apache2.access
Alias /rt/ /opt/rt3/share/html/

<Directory /opt/rt3/share/html/>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

#PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
PerlSetVar MasonStaticSource true
PerlSetVar MasonBufferPreallocateSize 1073741824
#PerlSetVar MasonBufferPreallocateSize 4096000
PerlSetVar MasonDataCacheDefaults “cache_class=> MemoryCache, cache_depth => 4”
PerlSetVar MasonPreloads ‘/Elements/*’
PerlSetVar MasonCompRoot /opt/rt3

<Location /NoAuth/images>
SetHandler default

#AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler RT::Mason #PerlResponseHandler RT::Mason

#####RT system configuration

System Configuration

 * System Configuration
 * · Shredder

Loaded perl modules

Perl v5.10.0 under linux
Apache2::Const v2.000004;
Apache2::Log v2.000004;
Apache2::RequestIO v2.000004;
Apache2::RequestRec v2.000004;
Apache2::RequestUtil v2.000004;
Apache2::Response v2.000004;
Apache2::ServerUtil v2.000004;
Apache2::Status v4.00;
Apache::Session v1.88;
Apache::Session::Generate::MD5 v2.12;
Apache::Session::lock::MySQL v1.01;
Apache::Session::MySQL v1.01;
Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable v1.01;
Apache::Session::Store::DBI v1.02;
Apache::Session::Store::MySQL v1.04;
APR v0.009000;
APR::Pool v0.009000;
APR::Table v0.009000;
AutoLoader v5.63;
base v2.13;
bytes v1.03;
Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry v0.27;
Carp v1.08;
CGI v3.43;
CGI::Cookie v1.29;
CGI::Util v1.5_01;
Class::Accessor v0.31;
Class::Accessor::Fast v0.31;
Class::Container v0.12;
Class::Data::Inheritable v0.08;
Class::Inspector v1.24;
Class::ISA v0.33;
Class::ReturnValue v0.55;
Clone v0.31;
constant v1.13;
Convert::ASN1 v0.22;
CSS::Squish v0.08;
Cwd v3.2501;
Data::Dumper v2.121_14;
DateTime v0.50;
DateTime::Locale v0.43;
DateTime::TimeZone v0.91;
DateTime::TimeZone::Floating v0.01;
DateTime::TimeZone::Local v0.01;
DateTime::TimeZone::OffsetOnly v0.02;
DateTime::TimeZone::UTC v0.01;
DBD::mysql v4.008;
DBI v1.607;
DBIx::SearchBuilder v1.55;
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union v0;
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Unique v0.01;
Devel::StackTrace v1.21;
Devel::StackTraceFrame v1.21;
Digest::base v1.00;
Digest::MD5 v2.39;
DynaLoader v1.08;
Email::Address v1.889;
Encode v2.23;
Encode::Alias v2.07;
Encode::Config v2.04;
Encode::Encoding v2.05;
Errno v1.1;
Exception::Class v1.29;
Exception::Class::Base v1.20;
Exporter v5.62;
Exporter::Heavy v5.62;
Fcntl v1.06;
File::Basename v2.76;
File::Glob v1.06;
File::Path v2.04;
File::ShareDir v1.00;
File::Spec v3.2501;
File::Spec::Unix v3.2501;
File::Temp v0.18;
FileHandle v2.01;
GD v2.44;
GD::Image v2.38;
GraphViz v2.04;
HTML::Element v3.23;
HTML::Entities v3.60;
HTML::Formatter v2.04;
HTML::FormatText v2.04;
HTML::Mason v1.42;
HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler v1.69;
HTML::Mason::Exception v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Abort v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation::IncompatibleCompiler v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compiler v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Decline v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Params v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Syntax v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::System v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::TopLevelNotFound v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::VirtualMethod v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exceptions v1.43;
HTML::Parser v3.61;
HTML::Scrubber v0.08;
HTML::Tagset v3.20;
HTML::TreeBuilder v3.23;
I18N::LangTags v0.35;
I18N::LangTags::Detect v1.03;
integer v1.00;
IO v1.23_01;
IO::File v1.14;
IO::Handle v1.27;
IO::InnerFile v2.110;
IO::Lines v2.110;
IO::ScalarArray v2.110;
IO::Seekable v1.1;
IO::Select v1.17;
IO::Socket v1.30_01;
IO::Socket::INET v1.31;
IO::Socket::UNIX v1.23;
IO::WrapTie v2.110;
IPC::Open2 v1.02;
IPC::Open3 v1.02;
IPC::Run v0.84;
IPC::Run::Debug v0.84;
IPC::Run::IO v0.84;
IPC::Run::Timer v0.84;
List::MoreUtils v0.22;
List::Util v1.19;
Locale::Maketext v1.12;
Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy v0.10;
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon v0.77;
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Gettext v0.17;
Log::Dispatch v2.22;
Log::Dispatch::Base v1.09;
Log::Dispatch::File v1.22;
Log::Dispatch::Output v1.26;
Log::Dispatch::Screen v1.17;
Log::Dispatch::Syslog v1.18;
Mail::Address v2.04;
Mail::Field v2.04;
Mail::Field::AddrList v2.04;
Mail::Field::Date v2.04;
Mail::Field::Generic v2.04;
Mail::Header v2.04;
Mail::Internet v2.04;
Mail::Mailer v2.04;
Mail::Util v2.04;
MIME::Base64 v3.08;
MIME::Body v5.427;
MIME::Decoder v5.427;
MIME::Entity v5.427;
MIME::Field::ContDisp v5.427;
MIME::Field::ConTraEnc v5.427;
MIME::Field::ContType v5.427;
MIME::Field::ParamVal v5.427;
MIME::Head v5.427;
MIME::Parser v5.427;
MIME::QuotedPrint v3.08;
MIME::Tools v5.427;
MIME::Words v5.427;
mod_perl v2.000004;
mod_perl2 v2.000004;
ModPerl::Const v2.000004;
Module::Versions::Report v1.06;
Net::LDAP v0.39;
Net::LDAP::ASN v0.08;
Net::LDAP::Bind v1.03;
Net::LDAP::Constant v0.07;
Net::LDAP::Entry v0.24;
Net::LDAP::Filter v0.15;
Net::LDAP::Intermediate v0.02;
Net::LDAP::Message v1.11;
Net::LDAP::Search v0.13;
Net::LDAP::Util v0.11;
overload v1.06;
Params::Util v1.00;
Params::Validate v0.91;
PerlIO v1.04;
PerlIO::scalar v0.05;
POSIX v1.13;
re v0.08;
Regexp::Common v2.122;
Regexp::Common::delimited v2.106;
Regexp::Common::URI v2.110;
Regexp::Common::URI::fax v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::file v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::ftp v2.103;
Regexp::Common::URI::gopher v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::http v2.103;
Regexp::Common::URI::news v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::pop v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::prospero v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1035 v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1738 v2.106;
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC1808 v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2384 v2.104;
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396 v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2806 v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::tel v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::telnet v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::tv v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::wais v2.102;
RT v3.8.4;
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth v0.08;
RT::Interface::Email v2;
RT::Interface::Web::Request v0.30;
Scalar::Util v1.19;
SelectSaver v1.01;
Socket v1.80;
Storable v2.18;
strict v1.04;
Symbol v1.06;
Sys::Syslog v0.22;
Text::Autoformat v1.666.0;
Text::Quoted v2.05;
Text::Reform v1.11;
Text::Tabs v2007.1117;
Text::Template v1.45;
Text::Wrapper v1.02;
Tie::Hash v1.02;
Time::HiRes v1.9711;
Time::JulianDay v2003.1125;
Time::Local v1.18;
Time::ParseDate v2006.0814;
Time::Timezone v2006.0814;
Time::Zone v2.22;
Tree::Simple v1.18;
UNIVERSAL::require v0.13;
URI v1.38;
URI::Escape v3.29;
URI::file v4.20;
utf8 v1.07;
vars v1.01;
version v0.74;
warnings v1.06;
warnings::register v1.01;
XSLoader v0.08;
RT Config
ActiveStatus new, open, stalled
core config
core config
AmbiguousDayInFuture 0
core config
AmbiguousDayInPast 0
core config
ApprovalRejectionNotes 1
core config
AutoCreateNonExternalUsers 1
site config
AutoLogoff 0
core config
CanonicalizeOnCreate 0
core config
CanonicalizeRedirectURLs 0
core config
CommentAddress ticket-comment@abc.com
site config
CorrespondAddress ticket@abc.com
site config
core config
core config
DashboardSubject %s Dashboard: %s
core config
DatabaseHost localhost
core config
DatabaseName rt3
site config
DatabasePassword Password not printed
site config
core config
DatabaseRTHost localhost
core config
DatabaseType mysql
site config
DatabaseUser root
site config
DateDayBeforeMonth 1
core config
DateTimeFormat DefaultFormat
core config
DefaultSearchResultFormat ‘id/TITLE:#’,
Status, QueueName, OwnerName, Priority, ‘NEWLINE’, ‘’,
Requestors’, ‘CreatedRelative’,
LastUpdatedRelative’, ‘TimeLeft
core config
DefaultSummaryRows 10
core config
DefaultTimeUnitsToHours 0
core config
DevelMode 0
core config
EmailFrequency Individual messages
core config
EmailInputEncodings utf-8, iso-8859-1, us-ascii
core config
EmailOutputEncoding utf-8
core config
EnableReminders 1
core config
ExternalAuthPriority My_LDAP
site config
ExternalInfoPriority My_LDAP
site config
ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS 0
site config
ExternalSettings My_LDAP, HASH(0xba2da2f0)
site config
ExtractSubjectTagMatch Regexp
core config
ExtractSubjectTagNoMatch Regexp
core config
ForwardFromUser 0
core config
FriendlyFromLineFormat “%s via RT” <%s>
core config
FriendlyToLineFormat “%s of ticket.helpdesk.abc.com Ticket #%s”:;
core config
GnuPG Enable, 0
site config
GnuPGOptions homedir, /opt/rt3/var/data/gpg
core config
HomePageRefreshInterval 120
site config
HomepageComponents QuickCreate, Quicksearch, MyAdminQueues,
MySupportQueues, MyReminders, RefreshHomepage, Dashboards
core config
InactiveStatus resolved, rejected, deleted
core config
LexiconLanguages *
core config
LinkTransactionsRun1Scrip 0
core config
LogDir /var/log
site config
core config
LogToFile debug
site config
LogToFileNamed rt.log
site config
LogToScreen error
site config
LogToSyslog debug
site config
core config
LogoURL /rt/NoAuth/images/bplogo.gif
site config
LoopsToRTOwner 1
core config
MailCommand sendmailpipe
core config
core config
core config
MaxAttachmentSize 10000000
core config
MaxInlineBody 12000
core config
MessageBoxHeight 15
core config
MessageBoxIncludeSignature 1
core config
MessageBoxRichText 1
core config
MessageBoxRichTextHeight 200
core config
MessageBoxWidth 72
core config
MessageBoxWrap HARD
core config
MinimumPasswordLength 5
core config
core config
NotifyActor 0
core config
OldestTransactionsFirst 1
core config
Organization abc.com
site config
OwnerEmail root
core config
PlainTextPre 0
core config
Plugins RT::Authen::ExternalAuth
site config
PreviewScripMessages 0
core config
RTAddressRegexp ^rt@example.com$
core config
RecordOutgoingEmail 1
core config
RedistributeAutoGeneratedMessages privileged
core config
SMTPDebug 0
core config
SearchResultsRefreshInterval 120
site config
SelfServiceRegex Regexp
core config
SendmailArguments -oi -t
core config
SendmailBounceArguments -f “<>”
core config
SendmailPath /usr/sbin/sendmail
core config
ShowBccHeader 0
core config
ShowTransactionImages 1
core config
ShowUnreadMessageNotifications 1
core config
StandaloneMaxServers 1
core config
StandaloneMaxSpareServers 0
core config
StandaloneMinServers 1
core config
StandaloneMinSpareServers 0
core config
StrictLinkACL 1
core config
Timezone US/PST
site config
UseFriendlyFromLine 1
core config
UseFriendlyToLine 0
core config
UseTransactionBatch 1
core config
UsernameFormat EmailAddress
site config
WebBaseURL http://ticket.helpdesk.abc.com
site config
WebDefaultStylesheet web2
core config
WebDomain localhost
core config
WebFlushDbCacheEveryRequest 1
core config
WebImagesURL /rt/NoAuth/images/
site config
WebNoAuthRegex Regexp
core config
WebPath /rt
site config
WebPort 80
core config
WebSecureCookies 0
core config
WebURL http://ticket.helpdesk.abc.com/rt/
core config
WikiImplicitLinks 0
core config
rtname ticket.helpdesk.abc.com
site config
RT Variables
RT::BasePath /opt/rt3
RT::BinPath /opt/rt3/bin
RT::EtcPath /opt/rt3/etc
RT::LocalEtcPath /opt/rt3/local/etc
RT::LocalLexiconPath /opt/rt3/local/po
RT::LocalLibPath /opt/rt3/local/lib
RT::LocalPath /opt/rt3/local
RT::LocalPluginPath /opt/rt3/local/plugins
RT::MasonComponentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
RT::MasonDataDir /opt/rt3/var/mason_data
RT::MasonLocalComponentRoot /opt/rt3/local/html
RT::MasonSessionDir /opt/rt3/var/session_data
RT::SbinPath /opt/rt3/sbin
RT::VarPath /opt/rt3/var
RT Size
Tickets 18493
Queues 16
Transactions 240100
Groups 74890
Privileged Users 24
Unprivileged Users 813
Perl configuration

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 10 subversion 0) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.6.24-23-server,
uname=‘linux rothera 2.6.24-23-server #1 smp wed apr 1 22:22:14 utc
2009 i686 gnulinux ’
config_args=’-Dusethreads -Duselargefiles -Dccflags=-DDEBIAN
-Dcccdlflags=-fPIC -Darchname=i486-linux-gnu -Dprefix=/usr
-Dprivlib=/usr/share/perl/5.10 -Darchlib=/usr/lib/perl/5.10
-Dvendorprefix=/usr -Dvendorlib=/usr/share/perl5
-Dvendorarch=/usr/lib/perl5 -Dsiteprefix=/usr/local
-Dsitearch=/usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1
-Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 -Dsiteman1dir=/usr/local/man/man1
-Dsiteman3dir=/usr/local/man/man3 -Dman1ext=1 -Dman3ext=3perl
-Dpager=/usr/bin/sensible-pager -Uafs -Ud_csh -Ud_ualarm -Uusesfio -Uusenm
-DDEBUGGING=-g -Doptimize=-O2 -Duseshrplib -Dlibperl=libperl.so.5.10.0
-Dd_dosuid -des’
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define
useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef, use64bitall=undef, uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc=‘cc’, ccflags =‘-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN
-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
optimize=‘-O2 -g’,
cppflags=‘-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN -fno-strict-aliasing
-pipe -I/usr/local/include’
ccversion=‘’, gccversion=‘4.3.3’, gccosandvers=‘’
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
ivtype=‘long’, ivsize=4, nvtype=‘double’, nvsize=8, Off_t=‘off_t’,
alignbytes=4, prototype=define
Linker and Libraries:
ld=‘cc’, ldflags =’ -L/usr/local/lib’
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib /usr/lib64
libs=-lgdbm -lgdbm_compat -ldb -ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt
perllibs=-ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt
libc=/lib/libc-2.9.so, so=so, useshrplib=true,
Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=‘-Wl,-E’
cccdlflags=‘-fPIC’, lddlflags=‘-shared -O2 -g -L/usr/local/lib’

Perl Include Paths (@INC)


Time to display: 0.657868




don’t know if it makes a difference or not, it happens on both a physcal
box and also on a vmware esx4 box.

raymondOn Mon, 27 Jul 2009, raymond@shell2.pilotsupplies.com wrote:


ubuntu 9.04
Xeon Processor
4GB memory
LDAP AD authentication windows 2003 upgrade from 3.2.2 to 3.8.4 everthing
appears to be ok.
server is running RT3 and nothing else.


When there is a period of inactivity, particular for a few hours, and when a
user logs back in, the apache error logs indicates
“Mon Jul 27 10:48:21 2009] [notice] child pid 2894 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11”

the webpage became white and multiple refresh of the page bring rt website
back to the logon page.

When a user logs back in and apply the "Refresh this page every X minutes,
than there is no segmentation fault on the apache log and all appears to be

There is no indication what the problem is on the logs /var/log/messages,
/var/log/syslog, /var/log/rt.log /opt/rt3/var/log/apache2.error before or
after “segemntation fault” for me to properly diagnoise this.

I have played with the numbers on the apache2 and mysql links below and
still can’t resolve this.

http: //wiki.bestpractical.com/view/PerformanceTuning
http: //wiki.bestpractical.com/view/FAQ

below are my httpd.conf file and RT system configuration (santized) - hope
someone can shed some light on this.
Appreciate your assistance!

Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
StartServers 5
MaxClients 150
MaxRequestsPerChild 100

<VirtualHost :80>
DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
ServerName ticket.helpdesk.abc.com
ServerAlias ticket.

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
ServerAdmin helpme@abc.com

#optional apache logs for RT
ErrorLog /opt/rt3/var/log/apache2.error
TransferLog /opt/rt3/var/log/apache2.access
Alias /rt/ /opt/rt3/share/html/

<Directory /opt/rt3/share/html/>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

#PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
PerlSetVar MasonStaticSource true
PerlSetVar MasonBufferPreallocateSize 1073741824
#PerlSetVar MasonBufferPreallocateSize 4096000
PerlSetVar MasonDataCacheDefaults “cache_class=> MemoryCache, cache_depth =>
PerlSetVar MasonPreloads ‘/Elements/*’
PerlSetVar MasonCompRoot /opt/rt3

<Location /NoAuth/images>
SetHandler default

#AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler RT::Mason #PerlResponseHandler RT::Mason

#####RT system configuration

System Configuration

* System Configuration
* · Shredder

Loaded perl modules

Perl v5.10.0 under linux
Apache2:: Const v2.000004;
Apache2:: Log v2.000004;
Apache2:: RequestIO v2.000004;
Apache2:: RequestRec v2.000004;
Apache2:: RequestUtil v2.000004;
Apache2:: Response v2.000004;
Apache2:: ServerUtil v2.000004;
Apache2:: Status v4.00;
Apache:: Session v1.88;
Apache::Session:: Generate::MD5 v2.12;
Apache::Session:: Lock::MySQL v1.01;
Apache::Session:: MySQL v1.01;
Apache::Session:: Serialize::Storable v1.01;
Apache::Session::Store:: DBI v1.02;
Apache::Session::Store:: MySQL v1.04;
APR v0.009000;
APR:: Pool v0.009000;
APR:: Table v0.009000;
AutoLoader v5.63;
base v2.13;
bytes v1.03;
Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry v0.27;
Carp v1.08;
CGI v3.43;
CGI:: Cookie v1.29;
CGI:: Util v1.5_01;
Class:: Accessor v0.31;
Class:: Accessor::Fast v0.31;
Class:: Container v0.12;
Class:: Data::Inheritable v0.08;
Class:: Inspector v1.24;
Class:: ISA v0.33;
Class:: ReturnValue v0.55;
Clone v0.31;
constant v1.13;
Convert::ASN1 v0.22;
CSS::Squish v0.08;
Cwd v3.2501;
Data::Dumper v2.121_14;
Date:: Format v2.22;
Date:: Parse v2.27;
DateTime v0.50;
DateTime:: Locale v0.43;
DateTime:: TimeZone v0.91;
DateTime::TimeZone:: Floating v0.01;
DateTime::TimeZone:: Local v0.01;
DateTime::TimeZone:: OffsetOnly v0.02;
DateTime::TimeZone:: UTC v0.01;
DBD::mysql v4.008;
DBI v1.607;
DBIx:: SearchBuilder v1.55;
DBIx::SearchBuilder:: Union v0;
DBIx::SearchBuilder:: Unique v0.01;
Devel:: StackTrace v1.21;
Devel:: StackTraceFrame v1.21;
Digest:: base v1.00;
Digest:: MD5 v2.39;
DynaLoader v1.08;
Email::Address v1.889;
Encode v2.23;
Encode:: Alias v2.07;
Encode:: Config v2.04;
Encode:: Encoding v2.05;
Errno v1.1;
Exception:: Class v1.29;
Exception:: Class::Base v1.20;
Exporter v5.62;
Exporter::Heavy v5.62;
Fcntl v1.06;
File:: Basename v2.76;
File:: Glob v1.06;
File:: Path v2.04;
File:: ShareDir v1.00;
File:: Spec v3.2501;
File:: Spec::Unix v3.2501;
File:: Temp v0.18;
FileHandle v2.01;
GD v2.44;
GD::Image v2.38;
GraphViz v2.04;
HTML:: Element v3.23;
HTML:: Entities v3.60;
HTML:: Formatter v2.04;
HTML:: FormatText v2.04;
HTML:: Mason v1.42;
HTML::Mason:: ApacheHandler v1.69;
HTML::Mason:: Exception v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception:: Abort v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception:: Compilation v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation::IncompatibleCompiler v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception:: Compiler v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception:: Decline v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception:: Params v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception:: Syntax v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception:: System v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception:: TopLevelNotFound v1.1;
HTML::Mason::Exception:: VirtualMethod v1.1;
HTML::Mason:: Exceptions v1.43;
HTML:: Parser v3.61;
HTML:: Scrubber v0.08;
HTML:: Tagset v3.20;
HTML:: TreeBuilder v3.23;
I18N:: LangTags v0.35;
I18N:: LangTags::Detect v1.03;
integer v1.00;
IO v1.23_01;
IO:: File v1.14;
IO:: Handle v1.27;
IO:: InnerFile v2.110;
IO:: Lines v2.110;
IO:: ScalarArray v2.110;
IO:: Seekable v1.1;
IO:: Select v1.17;
IO:: Socket v1.30_01;
IO::Socket:: INET v1.31;
IO::Socket:: UNIX v1.23;
IO:: WrapTie v2.110;
IPC:: Open2 v1.02;
IPC:: Open3 v1.02;
IPC:: Run v0.84;
IPC::Run:: Debug v0.84;
IPC::Run:: IO v0.84;
IPC::Run:: Timer v0.84;
List:: MoreUtils v0.22;
List:: Util v1.19;
Locale:: Maketext v1.12;
Locale::Maketext:: Fuzzy v0.10;
Locale::Maketext:: Lexicon v0.77;
Locale::Maketext:: Lexicon::Gettext v0.17;
Log:: Dispatch v2.22;
Log::Dispatch:: Base v1.09;
Log::Dispatch:: File v1.22;
Log::Dispatch:: Output v1.26;
Log::Dispatch:: Screen v1.17;
Log::Dispatch:: Syslog v1.18;
Mail:: Address v2.04;
Mail:: Field v2.04;
Mail:: Field::AddrList v2.04;
Mail::Field::Date v2.04;
Mail:: Field::Generic v2.04;
Mail:: Header v2.04;
Mail:: Internet v2.04;
Mail:: Mailer v2.04;
Mail:: Util v2.04;
MIME:: Base64 v3.08;
MIME:: Body v5.427;
MIME:: Decoder v5.427;
MIME:: Entity v5.427;
MIME::Field:: ContDisp v5.427;
MIME::Field:: ConTraEnc v5.427;
MIME::Field:: ContType v5.427;
MIME::Field:: ParamVal v5.427;
MIME:: Head v5.427;
MIME:: Parser v5.427;
MIME:: QuotedPrint v3.08;
MIME:: Tools v5.427;
MIME:: Words v5.427;
mod_perl v2.000004;
mod_perl2 v2.000004;
ModPerl::Const v2.000004;
Module::Versions::Report v1.06;
Net:: LDAP v0.39;
Net::LDAP:: ASN v0.08;
Net::LDAP:: Bind v1.03;
Net::LDAP:: Constant v0.07;
Net::LDAP:: Entry v0.24;
Net::LDAP:: Filter v0.15;
Net::LDAP:: Intermediate v0.02;
Net::LDAP:: Message v1.11;
Net::LDAP:: Search v0.13;
Net::LDAP:: Util v0.11;
overload v1.06;
Params:: Util v1.00;
Params:: Validate v0.91;
PerlIO v1.04;
PerlIO::scalar v0.05;
POSIX v1.13;
re v0.08;
Regexp:: Common v2.122;
Regexp::Common:: delimited v2.106;
Regexp::Common:: URI v2.110;
Regexp::Common::URI:: fax v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: file v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: ftp v2.103;
Regexp::Common::URI:: gopher v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: http v2.103;
Regexp::Common::URI:: news v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI::pop v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: prospero v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: RFC1035 v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: RFC1738 v2.106;
Regexp::Common::URI:: RFC1808 v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: RFC2384 v2.104;
Regexp::Common::URI:: RFC2396 v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: RFC2806 v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: tel v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: telnet v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: tv v2.102;
Regexp::Common::URI:: wais v2.102;
RT v3.8.4;
RT:: Authen::ExternalAuth v0.08;
RT::Interface:: Email v2;
RT::Interface:: Web::Request v0.30;
Scalar::Util v1.19;
SelectSaver v1.01;
Socket v1.80;
Storable v2.18;
strict v1.04;
Symbol v1.06;
Sys::Syslog v0.22;
Text:: Autoformat v1.666.0;
Text:: Quoted v2.05;
Text:: Reform v1.11;
Text:: Tabs v2007.1117;
Text:: Template v1.45;
Text:: Wrapper v1.02;
Tie::Hash v1.02;
Time:: HiRes v1.9711;
Time:: JulianDay v2003.1125;
Time:: Local v1.18;
Time:: ParseDate v2006.0814;
Time:: Timezone v2006.0814;
Time:: Zone v2.22;
Tree::Simple v1.18;
UNIVERSAL::require v0.13;
URI v1.38;
URI:: Escape v3.29;
URI:: file v4.20;
utf8 v1.07;
vars v1.01;
version v0.74;
warnings v1.06;
warnings::register v1.01;
XSLoader v0.08;
RT Config
ActiveStatus new, open, stalled
core config
core config
AmbiguousDayInFuture 0
core config
AmbiguousDayInPast 0
core config
ApprovalRejectionNotes 1
core config
AutoCreateNonExternalUsers 1
site config
AutoLogoff 0
core config
CanonicalizeOnCreate 0
core config
CanonicalizeRedirectURLs 0
core config
CommentAddress ticket-comment@abc.com
site config
CorrespondAddress ticket@abc.com
site config
core config
core config
DashboardSubject %s Dashboard: %s
core config
DatabaseHost localhost
core config
DatabaseName rt3
site config
DatabasePassword Password not printed
site config
core config
DatabaseRTHost localhost
core config
DatabaseType mysql
site config
DatabaseUser root
site config
DateDayBeforeMonth 1
core config
DateTimeFormat DefaultFormat
core config
DefaultSearchResultFormat ‘id/TITLE:#’,
Status, QueueName, OwnerName, Priority, ‘NEWLINE’, ‘’,
Requestors’, ‘CreatedRelative’,
ToldRelative’, ‘LastUpdatedRelative’,
core config
DefaultSummaryRows 10
core config
DefaultTimeUnitsToHours 0
core config
DevelMode 0
core config
EmailFrequency Individual messages
core config
EmailInputEncodings utf-8, iso-8859-1, us-ascii
core config
EmailOutputEncoding utf-8
core config
EnableReminders 1
core config
ExternalAuthPriority My_LDAP
site config
ExternalInfoPriority My_LDAP
site config
ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS 0
site config
ExternalSettings My_LDAP, HASH(0xba2da2f0)
site config
ExtractSubjectTagMatch Regexp
core config
ExtractSubjectTagNoMatch Regexp
core config
ForwardFromUser 0
core config
FriendlyFromLineFormat “%s via RT” <%s>
core config
FriendlyToLineFormat “%s of ticket.helpdesk.abc.com Ticket #%s”:;
core config
GnuPG Enable, 0
site config
GnuPGOptions homedir, /opt/rt3/var/data/gpg
core config
HomePageRefreshInterval 120
site config
HomepageComponents QuickCreate, Quicksearch, MyAdminQueues,
MySupportQueues, MyReminders, RefreshHomepage, Dashboards
core config
InactiveStatus resolved, rejected, deleted
core config
LexiconLanguages *
core config
LinkTransactionsRun1Scrip 0
core config
LogDir /var/log
site config
core config
LogToFile debug
site config
LogToFileNamed rt.log
site config
LogToScreen error
site config
LogToSyslog debug
site config
core config
LogoURL /rt/NoAuth/images/bplogo.gif
site config
LoopsToRTOwner 1
core config
MailCommand sendmailpipe
core config
core config
core config
MaxAttachmentSize 10000000
core config
MaxInlineBody 12000
core config
MessageBoxHeight 15
core config
MessageBoxIncludeSignature 1
core config
MessageBoxRichText 1
core config
MessageBoxRichTextHeight 200
core config
MessageBoxWidth 72
core config
MessageBoxWrap HARD
core config
MinimumPasswordLength 5
core config
core config
NotifyActor 0
core config
OldestTransactionsFirst 1
core config
Organization abc.com
site config
OwnerEmail root
core config
PlainTextPre 0
core config
Plugins RT::Authen::ExternalAuth
site config
PreviewScripMessages 0
core config
RTAddressRegexp ^rt@example.com$
core config
RecordOutgoingEmail 1
core config
RedistributeAutoGeneratedMessages privileged
core config
SMTPDebug 0
core config
SearchResultsRefreshInterval 120
site config
SelfServiceRegex Regexp
core config
SendmailArguments -oi -t
core config
SendmailBounceArguments -f “<>”
core config
SendmailPath /usr/sbin/sendmail
core config
ShowBccHeader 0
core config
ShowTransactionImages 1
core config
ShowUnreadMessageNotifications 1
core config
StandaloneMaxServers 1
core config
StandaloneMaxSpareServers 0
core config
StandaloneMinServers 1
core config
StandaloneMinSpareServers 0
core config
StrictLinkACL 1
core config
Timezone US/PST
site config
UseFriendlyFromLine 1
core config
UseFriendlyToLine 0
core config
UseTransactionBatch 1
core config
UsernameFormat EmailAddress
site config
WebBaseURL http://ticket.helpdesk.abc.com
site config
WebDefaultStylesheet web2
core config
WebDomain localhost
core config
WebFlushDbCacheEveryRequest 1
core config
WebImagesURL /rt/NoAuth/images/
site config
WebNoAuthRegex Regexp
core config
WebPath /rt
site config
WebPort 80
core config
WebSecureCookies 0
core config
WebURL http://ticket.helpdesk.abc.com/rt/
core config
WikiImplicitLinks 0
core config
rtname ticket.helpdesk.abc.com
site config
RT Variables
RT:: BasePath /opt/rt3
RT:: BinPath /opt/rt3/bin
RT:: EtcPath /opt/rt3/etc
RT:: LocalEtcPath /opt/rt3/local/etc
RT:: LocalLexiconPath /opt/rt3/local/po
RT:: LocalLibPath /opt/rt3/local/lib
RT:: LocalPath /opt/rt3/local
RT:: LocalPluginPath /opt/rt3/local/plugins
RT:: MasonComponentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
RT:: MasonDataDir /opt/rt3/var/mason_data
RT:: MasonLocalComponentRoot /opt/rt3/local/html
RT:: MasonSessionDir /opt/rt3/var/session_data
RT:: SbinPath /opt/rt3/sbin
RT:: VERSION 3.8.4
RT:: VarPath /opt/rt3/var
RT Size
Tickets 18493
Queues 16
Transactions 240100
Groups 74890
Privileged Users 24
Unprivileged Users 813
Perl configuration

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 10 subversion 0) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.6.24-23-server,
uname=‘linux rothera 2.6.24-23-server #1 smp wed apr 1 22:22:14 utc 2009
i686 gnulinux ’
config_args=’-Dusethreads -Duselargefiles -Dccflags=-DDEBIAN
-Dcccdlflags=-fPIC -Darchname=i486-linux-gnu -Dprefix=/usr
-Dprivlib=/usr/share/perl/5.10 -Darchlib=/usr/lib/perl/5.10
-Dvendorprefix=/usr -Dvendorlib=/usr/share/perl5 -Dvendorarch=/usr/lib/perl5
-Dsiteprefix=/usr/local -Dsitelib=/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0
-Dsitearch=/usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 -Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1
-Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 -Dsiteman1dir=/usr/local/man/man1
-Dsiteman3dir=/usr/local/man/man3 -Dman1ext=1 -Dman3ext=3perl
-Dpager=/usr/bin/sensible-pager -Uafs -Ud_csh -Ud_ualarm -Uusesfio -Uusenm
-DDEBUGGING=-g -Doptimize=-O2 -Duseshrplib -Dlibperl=libperl.so.5.10.0
-Dd_dosuid -des’
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define
useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef, use64bitall=undef, uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc=‘cc’, ccflags =‘-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN
-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
optimize=‘-O2 -g’,
cppflags=‘-D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DDEBIAN -fno-strict-aliasing
-pipe -I/usr/local/include’
ccversion=‘’, gccversion=‘4.3.3’, gccosandvers=‘’
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
ivtype=‘long’, ivsize=4, nvtype=‘double’, nvsize=8, Off_t=‘off_t’,
alignbytes=4, prototype=define
Linker and Libraries:
ld=‘cc’, ldflags =’ -L/usr/local/lib’
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib /usr/lib64
libs=-lgdbm -lgdbm_compat -ldb -ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt
perllibs=-ldl -lm -lpthread -lc -lcrypt
libc=/lib/libc-2.9.so, so=so, useshrplib=true,
Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=‘-Wl,-E’
cccdlflags=‘-fPIC’, lddlflags=‘-shared -O2 -g -L/usr/local/lib’

Perl Include Paths (@INC)


Time to display: 0.657868


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon processor

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with the
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with this
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

Why do you even need mysqlupgrade.sql if it’s fresh install?On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon processor

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with the
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with this
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com

Best regards, Ruslan.

Hi Ruslan,

My apologies. I was upgrading from 3.2.2

raymondOn Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Why do you even need mysqlupgrade.sql if it’s fresh install?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon processor

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with the
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with this
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

Then you missed one step. You have to upgrade DB first from 3.2.2 to
3.7.89 first. It’s rt-setup-database --action update ... command
described in more details in UPGRADING.mysql and README files.On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:39 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

Hi Ruslan,

My apologies. I was upgrading from 3.2.2


On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Why do you even need mysqlupgrade.sql if it’s fresh install?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon processor

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with the
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with this
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

Best regards, Ruslan.


Thank you for the suggestion.

I’ll give that a shot. This is a migration from an old box running 3.2.2
to a new server which is rt 3.8.4 fresh
install. Will I need to do “make upgrade” as
indicated in the 3.8.4 README file?

I am exporting rt 3.2.2 db on old server and importing to the new server
running rt 3.8.4

mysql -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql

raymondOn Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Then you missed one step. You have to upgrade DB first from 3.2.2 to
3.7.89 first. It’s rt-setup-database --action update ... command
described in more details in UPGRADING.mysql and README files.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:39 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

Hi Ruslan,

My apologies. �I was upgrading from 3.2.2


On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Why do you even need mysqlupgrade.sql if it’s fresh install?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon processor

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with the
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with this
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Thank you for the suggestion.

I’ll give that a shot. This is a migration from an old box running 3.2.2 to
a new server which is rt 3.8.4 fresh install. Will I need to do “make
upgrade” as indicated in the 3.8.4 README file?

Nope, you run make install instead of make upgrade as you have no
RT files on new server.

I am exporting rt 3.2.2 db on old server and importing to the new server
running rt 3.8.4

Don’t forget to using --default-charset=binary, both on export and
import. Check exact syntax in mysql’s docs. It’s important or you can
break every binary attachment.

mysql -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql

mysql --default-charset=binary -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql


Then you missed one step. You have to upgrade DB first from 3.2.2 to
3.7.89 first. It’s rt-setup-database --action update ... command
described in more details in UPGRADING.mysql and README files.

Hi Ruslan,

My apologies. I was upgrading from 3.2.2


Why do you even need mysqlupgrade.sql if it’s fresh install?

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon processor

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

Best regards, Ruslan.


I’ll give it another shot with the required options. Thank you!

raymondOn Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:21 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:


Thank you for the suggestion.

I’ll give that a shot. This is a migration from an old box running 3.2.2 to
a �new server which is rt 3.8.4 fresh install. �Will I need to do “make
upgrade” as indicated in the 3.8.4 README file?

Nope, you run make install instead of make upgrade as you have no
RT files on new server.

I am exporting rt 3.2.2 db on old server and importing to the new server
running rt 3.8.4

Don’t forget to using --default-charset=binary, both on export and
import. Check exact syntax in mysql’s docs. It’s important or you can
break every binary attachment.

mysql -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql

mysql --default-charset=binary -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql


On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Then you missed one step. You have to upgrade DB first from 3.2.2 to
3.7.89 first. It’s rt-setup-database --action update ... command
described in more details in UPGRADING.mysql and README files.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:39 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

Hi Ruslan,

My apologies. �I was upgrading from 3.2.2


On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Why do you even need mysqlupgrade.sql if it’s fresh install?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon processor

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
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Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


I tried without --default-charset=binary on export of old
DB 3.2.2 and import into 3.8.4 on new server and I
can see old attachments and new attachments on new server without any
issues. Don’t know if this
will be an issue in the future.

old serve is running mysql 4.0.22

new server is running mysql 5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2

raymondOn Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:21 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:


Thank you for the suggestion.

I’ll give that a shot. This is a migration from an old box running 3.2.2 to
a �new server which is rt 3.8.4 fresh install. �Will I need to do “make
upgrade” as indicated in the 3.8.4 README file?

Nope, you run make install instead of make upgrade as you have no
RT files on new server.

I am exporting rt 3.2.2 db on old server and importing to the new server
running rt 3.8.4

Don’t forget to using --default-charset=binary, both on export and
import. Check exact syntax in mysql’s docs. It’s important or you can
break every binary attachment.

mysql -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql

mysql --default-charset=binary -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql


On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Then you missed one step. You have to upgrade DB first from 3.2.2 to
3.7.89 first. It’s rt-setup-database --action update ... command
described in more details in UPGRADING.mysql and README files.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:39 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

Hi Ruslan,

My apologies. �I was upgrading from 3.2.2


On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Why do you even need mysqlupgrade.sql if it’s fresh install?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon processor

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

Hi Ruslan,

I finally got some time to export old server DB per your
instruction using binary set -

mysqldump --opt --add-drop-table --single-transaction --default-character-set=binary -u root -pXXXXXX -h localhost rt3 | gzip -c > /var/www/db_bkp/RTNEW-RT3-$date.sql.gz

and got the following errors? How to fix?

server is running mysql 4.022 on debian

ester:/var/dba/scripts# mysqldump: Character set ‘binary’ is not a
compiled character set and is not specified in the
‘/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index’ file

[1]+ Done ./backup_mysql.newOn Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:21 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:


Thank you for the suggestion.

I’ll give that a shot. This is a migration from an old box running 3.2.2 to
a �new server which is rt 3.8.4 fresh install. �Will I need to do “make
upgrade” as indicated in the 3.8.4 README file?

Nope, you run make install instead of make upgrade as you have no
RT files on new server.

I am exporting rt 3.2.2 db on old server and importing to the new server
running rt 3.8.4

Don’t forget to using --default-charset=binary, both on export and
import. Check exact syntax in mysql’s docs. It’s important or you can
break every binary attachment.

mysql -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql

mysql --default-charset=binary -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql


On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Then you missed one step. You have to upgrade DB first from 3.2.2 to
3.7.89 first. It’s rt-setup-database --action update ... command
described in more details in UPGRADING.mysql and README files.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:39 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

Hi Ruslan,

My apologies. �I was upgrading from 3.2.2


On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Why do you even need mysqlupgrade.sql if it’s fresh install?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon processor

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

I didn’t know you have mysql 4.0, on this version there is no such
option. So your dmp is correct.On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 2:13 AM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

Hi Ruslan,

I finally got some time to export old server DB per your instruction using
binary set -

mysqldump --opt --add-drop-table --single-transaction
–default-character-set=binary -u root -pXXXXXX -h localhost rt3 | gzip -c >

and got the following errors? How to fix?

server is running mysql 4.022 on debian

ester:/var/dba/scripts# mysqldump: Character set ‘binary’ is not a compiled
character set and is not specified in the ‘/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index’

[1]+ Done ./backup_mysql.new

On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:21 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:


Thank you for the suggestion.

I’ll give that a shot. This is a migration from an old box running 3.2.2
a new server which is rt 3.8.4 fresh install. Will I need to do “make
upgrade” as indicated in the 3.8.4 README file?

Nope, you run make install instead of make upgrade as you have no
RT files on new server.

I am exporting rt 3.2.2 db on old server and importing to the new server
running rt 3.8.4

Don’t forget to using --default-charset=binary, both on export and
import. Check exact syntax in mysql’s docs. It’s important or you can
break every binary attachment.

mysql -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql

mysql --default-charset=binary -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql


On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Then you missed one step. You have to upgrade DB first from 3.2.2 to
3.7.89 first. It’s rt-setup-database --action update ... command
described in more details in UPGRADING.mysql and README files.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:39 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

Hi Ruslan,

My apologies. I was upgrading from 3.2.2


On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Why do you even need mysqlupgrade.sql if it’s fresh install?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

Best regards, Ruslan.


Ok. thanx!

raymondOn Sat, 1 Aug 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

I didn’t know you have mysql 4.0, on this version there is no such
option. So your dmp is correct.

On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 2:13 AM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

Hi Ruslan,

I finally got some time to export old server DB per your instruction using
binary set -

mysqldump --opt --add-drop-table --single-transaction
–default-character-set=binary -u root -pXXXXXX -h localhost rt3 | gzip -c >

and got the following errors? How to fix?

server is running mysql 4.022 on debian

ester:/var/dba/scripts# mysqldump: Character set ‘binary’ is not a compiled
character set and is not specified in the ‘/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index’

[1]+ �Done � � � � � � � � � �./backup_mysql.new

On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:21 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:


Thank you for the suggestion.

I’ll give that a shot. This is a migration from an old box running 3.2.2
a �new server which is rt 3.8.4 fresh install. �Will I need to do “make
upgrade” as indicated in the 3.8.4 README file?

Nope, you run make install instead of make upgrade as you have no
RT files on new server.

I am exporting rt 3.2.2 db on old server and importing to the new server
running rt 3.8.4

Don’t forget to using --default-charset=binary, both on export and
import. Check exact syntax in mysql’s docs. It’s important or you can
break every binary attachment.

mysql -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql

mysql --default-charset=binary -u root -p rt3 < oldrt3.2.2.db.sql


On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Then you missed one step. You have to upgrade DB first from 3.2.2 to
3.7.89 first. It’s rt-setup-database --action update ... command
described in more details in UPGRADING.mysql and README files.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:39 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

Hi Ruslan,

My apologies. �I was upgrading from 3.2.2


On Tue, 28 Jul 2009, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:

Why do you even need mysqlupgrade.sql if it’s fresh install?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:13 PM, raymond@pilotsupplies.com wrote:

ubuntu vmware esx4i with ubuntu 9.04 4GB of memory dual xeon

fresh 3.8.4 install, apache2, perl_Mode 2, mysql 5

go error “Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t exist”

so I went and commented out the following, see below and proceed with
install with no other issues.

Am wondering if there are any implications, issues or problems with
or is there a better way to fix this ?


/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# mysql -u root -p rt3 <
Enter password:
ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 77: Table ‘rt3.ObjectCustomFields’ doesn’t

root@joeblow:/usr/local/src/rt-3.8.4/etc/upgrade# vi mysqlupgrade.sql

#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFields


#ALTER TABLE ObjectCustomFieldValues



Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others

The rt-users Archives

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: sales@bestpractical.com

Discover RT’s hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O’Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others


Raymond Wong

Personal motto: P.E.A.C.E
Enjoy the present
Assert your goals
Champion peace
Entrust others