RT 3.6.6rc2

I’ve just rolled a second rc of RT 3.6.6. It would likely be 3.6.6, but
I’m about to run away to Portugal for a week’s holiday and big releases
right before one leaves on vacation are…not always the right call :wink:


* fix a regression since 3.6.6rc1 in groups listing with rights limits.
* missing found by Steve Turner
* Sort Templates, Actions and Conditions by Name,
as suggested by Steve Turner

* Updated french translation from Emmanuel Lacour
* Massive internationalization fixes
* Full translation of zh_tw and zh_cn from Audrey Tang


  • Add more tests on sorting by CF

* new callbacks in Simple Search
* Allow the caller of Googleish searches to choose what
queues go into the query
* Add an optional Clear button to SelectionBox
* Add a NoArrows option to selectionbox,
for when order doesn’t matter


I installed RT3.6.6RC2 yesterday, and I noticed today that
some of the mails sended by RT are broken. The effect
differs in different MUA. In thunderbird and Outlook
it looks okay.
But in Evolution and mutt (Linux/Gnome), there ist no mail body
but a attachment.

The problem is probably the mail header I found this line
in a broken mail (in my MUA Evolution)

Content-Type: application/octet-stream
which looks not okay. This content type is produced by the MUA
because in the RT mail there is no content type.

Here the content type line sended by RT:

Content-Type: ; charset=“utf-8”

For me it looks like that whenever the mail contains
umlauts (example, ö, ü) then the content type gets
lost. I couldn’t find evidence in the log, but the content
type was okay every time the mail had no umlauts, and was
broken every time in contains umlauts.

Hope this helps I will add my sys configuration

best regards


OS: RHEL4 compatible (SL4)

Configuration.txt (9.52 KB)


I installed RT3.6.6RC2 yesterday, and I noticed today that
some of the mails sended by RT are broken. The effect
differs in different MUA. In thunderbird and Outlook
it looks okay.
But in Evolution and mutt (Linux/Gnome), there ist no mail body
but a attachment.

What version of RT were you previously using successfully?

What version of RT were you previously using successfully?


(OS,DB, Perlmodules is slightly changed. I updated SearchBuilder
and Test::More and installed perl-Module-Signature)

What version of RT were you previously using successfully?


(OS,DB not changed,
Perlmodules are slightly changed. I updated SearchBuilder
and Test::More and installed perl-Module-Signature)

I downgraded today to 3.6.5 and now everything is okay,
waiting for 3.6.6rc3 :wink:

best regards!

svenOn Mi, 2008-01-09 at 16:50 +0100, Sven Sternberger wrote:

On Mi, 2008-01-09 at 10:42 -0500, Jesse Vincent wrote:

What version of RT were you previously using successfully?


(OS,DB not changed,
Perlmodules are slightly changed. I updated SearchBuilder
and Test::More and installed perl-Module-Signature)

List info: The rt-devel Archives


If you sign up for a new RT support contract before December 31, we’ll take
up to 20 percent off the price. This sale won’t last long, so get in touch today.
Email us at sales@bestpractical.com or call us at +1 617 812 0745.


Can you try the following patch to rc2? I’m about to release rc3 with
the same change. It fixes the issue you reported here for me.

jesse@pinglin:~/svk/rt-3.6$ svk diff
=== lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm
— lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm (revision 74547)
+++ lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm (local)
@@ -174,8 +174,11 @@
push @parts, $part->parts;
else {

  •        $part->head->mime_attr( "Content-Type" => 'text/plain' )
  •            unless RT::I18N::IsTextualContentType($part->mime_type);
  •        if ( RT::I18N::IsTextualContentType( $part->mime_type ) ) {
  •            $part->head->mime_attr( "Content-Type" =>

$part->mime_type )

  •        } else {
  •            $part->head->mime_attr( "Content-Type" => 'text/plain' );
  •        }
           $part->head->mime_attr( "Content-Type.charset" => 'utf-8' );