RT 3.6.6 - Comments, Privileged Users, Selfservice

All -

I have an instance of RT 3.6.6 that was set up prior to my arrival.

The system has several groups set up, and all users are configured as
members of these groups. There are no unprivileged users. I’ve spent a few
days looking over the wiki and the mailing list archives, but have a few
remaining questions. The answers I found in the list archives seem to be
fairly old.

  • Are all privileged users allowed to see comments?
  • Is there a way to hide comments from Privileged users?
  • Is there a way to force all users (except for one group) to be redirected
    to the SelfService interface?
  • Is there a way to disable “Could not load a valid user” messages?

I apologize if these answers are covered somewhere - I simply wasn’t able to
find them.

Thanks for your assistance.

At 12:12 PM 5/15/2008, RT wrote:

All -

I have an instance of RT 3.6.6 that was set up prior to my arrival.

The system has several groups set up, and all users are configured
as members of these groups. There are no unprivileged users. I’ve
spent a few days looking over the wiki and the mailing list
archives, but have a few remaining questions. The answers I found in
the list archives seem to be fairly old.

  • Are all privileged users allowed to see comments?

Not by default - this is controlled by rights (ShowTicketComments)

  • Is there a way to hide comments from Privileged users?

Yes, by using rights

  • Is there a way to force all users (except for one group) to be
    redirected to the SelfService interface?

Yes, by making them unprivileged.

  • Is there a way to disable “Could not load a valid user” messages?

Where are you seeing that?
