RT 3.6.1 https issue


I’m testing latest stable version of RT (3.6.1) about a week and i have
a problems with HTTPS only site. When i want to update ticket, data is
sent but browser wanna go to URL:


See HTTPS and port 80…

My site cfg:

Set($WebPort , 443);
Set($WebBaseURL , “https://mysite.tld”);

I also tried:

Set($WebBaseURL , “https://mysite.tld:$WebPort”);

$WebURL is default (only in RT_Config.pm).

Another strange thing is name of cookie:


From share/html/Elements/SetupSessionCookie:

my $cookiename = “RT_SID_”.$RT::rtname.“.”.$ENV{‘SERVER_PORT’};

I tried to delete cookies and cache from browser and db (mysql) too and
restarted Apache. Still same.

Only one HTTPS configuration, which is going fine so far, is RT/HTTP and
mod_proxy in Apache with HTTPS :wink: I know it’s not so nice, so if you
have some idea, write it.


System info:

Debian 3.1 (stable Sarge)
Apache 2.0.54-5sarge1
libapache2-mod-perl2 2.0.2-0bpo1

I’m testing latest stable version of RT (3.6.1) about a week and i have a
problems with HTTPS only site. When i want to update ticket, data is sent but
browser wanna go to URL:

Set($WebPort , 443);
Set($WebBaseURL , “https://mysite.tld”);

Another strange thing is name of cookie:

From share/html/Elements/SetupSessionCookie:
my $cookiename = “RT_SID_”.$RT::rtname.“.”.$ENV{‘SERVER_PORT’};
Only one HTTPS configuration, which is going fine so far, is RT/HTTP and
mod_proxy in Apache with HTTPS :wink: I know it’s not so nice, so if you have
some idea, write it.

You are running RT on port 80, but then forwarding port 443 to 

port 80 using mod_proxy? Why not just run RT on port 443 directly?
I wonder if changing the SERVER_PORT line in
lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm to use the hard coded $WebPort would fix it for