RT 3.5.6 make testdeps error?

When I go to do a testdeps on RT 3.5.6, I get:

make testdeps

/usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies --verbose --with-mysql
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x8347814 at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.6/CPAN.pm line 18.
Undefined subroutine &main:: called at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/File/Temp.pm line 131.
END failed–call queue aborted at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/File/Temp.pm line 13.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.6/CPAN.pm line 18.
END failed–call queue aborted at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.6/CPAN.pm
line 131.
Compilation failed in require at ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies line 339.
END failed–call queue aborted at ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies line 18.
Callback called exit at ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies line 18.
BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies line 339.
*** Error code 255

Stop in /u1/home/adm/src/RT/rt-3.5.6.

CPAN’s up to date as far as I know (v1.8)
File::Temp is v0.16
Perl is v5.8.6 (I’d install 5.8.7 except for some little things like…
oh… it breaks everything on my FreeBSD, and I haven’t gotten much
from the lists on how to get it to actually run (it just coredumps no
matter what I’m trying to do…), except "why aren’t you running FreeBSD
v5.x yet? [because that requires a ton and a half of time and downtime
that I need to arrange for…])
Apache 2.0.55

Anywho… any ideas on why this is breaking on me? :frowning:


“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

When I go to do a testdeps on RT 3.5.6, I get:

make testdeps

/usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies --verbose --with-mysql
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x8347814 at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.6/CPAN.pm line 18.
Undefined subroutine &main:: called at

I’m told that this is related to a bug in CPAN.pm 1.80. Back down to
1.76 for now.

Jesse Vincent said the following on 12/23/2005 2:56 PM:

I’m told that this is related to a bug in CPAN.pm 1.80. Back down to
1.76 for now.

Ok… I’ve never done that before. I usually just do perl -MCPAN
-eshell; then issue install Bundle::CPAN… so I went and downloaded
CPAN-1.76.tar.gz from cpan.org, perl Makefile.pl, then make && make install

Something tells me this wasn’t the right thing to do?

I mean if i go into perl -MCPAN -eshell; I see it’s version 1.76 now.

I did a reload cpan and a reload index, ignoring the “Hey there’s a new
CPAN.pm out!” message…

When I do a make fixdeps I get:

make fixdeps

/usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies --verbose --install --with-mysql
rt group (rt)…found
bin owner (root)…found
libs owner (root)…found
libs group (bin)…found
web owner (www)…found
web group (www)…found
MASON dependencies:
Params::Validate 0.02…found
Cache::Cache …found
Exception::Class 1.14…found
Parameter to use lib must be directory, not file at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/File/Temp.pm line 131
HTML::Mason 1.23…found
MLDBM …found
Errno …found
FreezeThaw …found
Digest::MD5 2.27…found
CGI::Cookie 1.20…found
Storable 2.08…found
Apache::Session 1.53…found
XML::RSS 1.05…found
HTTP::Server::Simple 0.07…found
HTTP::Server::Simple::Mason 0.09…found
Install module GD
Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
Database was generated on Fri, 23 Dec 2005 22:07:57 GMT
Running install for module GD
Running make for L/LD/LDS/GD-2.30.tar.gz
CPAN: LWP::UserAgent loaded ok
Fetching with LWP:
CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/L/LD/LDS/GD-2.30.tar.gz ok
Scanning cache /root/.cpan/build for sizes
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Chart-Graph-1.1
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Chart-Graph-2
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Date-Calc-5.4
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Bit-Vector-6.4
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Carp-Clan-5.3
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: XML-RSS-1.05
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Net-Netmask-1.9011
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Term-ReadLine-Perl-1.0203
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: CPAN-WAIT-0.27
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-Manifest-1.11
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.02
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-LongString-0.07
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-Builder-Tester-1.01
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Module-Refresh-0.05
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.22
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: HTML-Scrubber-0.08
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Mail-SPF-2.00
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: tmp
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Tree-Simple-1.14
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-Exception-0.20
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Sub-Uplevel-0.09
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Module-Versions-Report-1.02
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: XML-Simple-2.14
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: TermReadKey-2.30
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Text-WikiFormat-0.72
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: PathTools-3.05
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Compress-Zlib-1.34
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: DB_File-1.811
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: MIME-tools-5.417
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Archive-Tar-1.24
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: libnet-1.19
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: PathTools-3.09
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Net-Telnet-3.03
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-Simple-0.60
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-Harness-2.52
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: IO-String-1.06
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-1.25
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Scalar-List-Utils-1.17
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: perl-5.8.7
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: PathTools-3.14
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: IO-stringy-2.110
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Unix-Syslog-0.99
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-Exception-0.21
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: PathTools-3.11
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Compress-Zlib-1.37
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: TermReadKey-2.21
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Archive-Tar-1.26
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Compress-Zlib-1.40
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Module-Refresh-0.06
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: PathTools-3.12
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.09
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Hook-LexWrap-0.20
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Digest-MD5-2.36
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: CPAN-1.80
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Data-Dumper-2.121
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: IO-String-1.07
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Scalar-List-Utils-1.18
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Convert-UUlib-1.03
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: DB_File-1.810
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Time-Local-1.11
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: FCGI-0.67
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: MIME-tools-5.418
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: HTML-Parser-3.48
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.0
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Net-DNS-0.53
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Mail-SPF-Query-1.997
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: IP-Country-2.20
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: CGI.pm-3.05
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: GD-2.16
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Net-Ident-1.20
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-Simple-0.62
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: HTTP-Server-Simple-0.16
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.08
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-LongString-0.09
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Module-Refresh-0.08
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: DBIx-DBSchema-0.28
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: DBI-1.49
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Class-Accessor-0.22
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Tree-Simple-1.15
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build:
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Time-Duration-1.02
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: PAR-Dist-0.07
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Digest-SHA-5.32
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-Deep-0.093
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-Tester-0.103
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Date-Calc-5.3
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Bit-Vector-6.3
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Test-NoWarnings-0.082
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: File-Temp-0.16
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: GD-2.30
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: CPAN-1.76
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Apache-DB-0.06
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Apache-Module-0.11
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Compress-Zlib-1.41
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Carp-Assert-More-1.12
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Carp-Assert-0.18
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: WWW-Mechanize-1.16
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.36
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Locale-Maketext-1.10
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: I18N-LangTags-0.35
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: DBD-mysql-3.0002
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: DBD-SQLite-1.11
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Want-0.09
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Clone-0.18
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: capitalization-0.03
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Text-WikiFormat-0.77
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: libapreq-1.3
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: mod_perl-1.29
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Module-Signature-0.50
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: RTx-Shredder-0.03
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: CGI.pm-3.01
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Apache-Test-1.06
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Compress-Zlib-1.32
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: File-Spec-0.87
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Archive-Tar-1.10
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Log-Dispatch-2.10
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Compress-Zlib-1.33
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Digest-MD5-2.33
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: RRDTool-OO-0.05
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: Log-Log4perl-0.46
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: HTML-Parser-3.36
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: libwww-perl-5.800
Warning: weird direntry in /root/.cpan/build: URI-1.31
Can’t unlink file tmp: No such file or directory at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.6/CPAN.pm line 3892
Couldn’t mkdir tmp: File exists at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.6/CPAN.pm
line 5480
*** Error code 17

Stop in /u1/home/adm/src/RT/rt-3.5.6.

I know you’re not “perl help central” but if you happen to know what’s
going on, I’d really appreciate it. I’ve not delved enough into Perl to
be particularly clueful on this.

Thank you…


“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759