RT 3.2 Database upgrade scripts

I’ve upgraded to RT 3.2 this weekend (what really means that I upgraded
to Perl 5.8.3, Apache 1.3.31 and mod_perl 1.29).

The problem is that the database upgrade scripts don’t ask for the
database password, failing to complete. I’ve run them exactly as the
install doc says… and nothing.

Any ideas?

The upgrade went fine, except that in the search of tickets I get wrong
results (like it has been reported), with result showing only lines with
the content “##id##”.

add your dba name and password (or prompt) to the rt-setup-database

–dba dba’s username
–dba-password dba’s password
–prompt-for-dba-password Ask for the database administrator’s password interactively

Bruce Segal wrote:

add your dba name and password (or prompt) to the rt-setup-database

–dba dba’s username
–dba-password dba’s password
–prompt-for-dba-password Ask for the database administrator’s
password interactively

The rt-users Archives

RT Developer and Administrator training is coming to LA, DC and
Frankfurt this spring and summer.

Sign up early, as class space is limited.

Thanks, it worked perfectly. Strange is that those options were not
listed in the README file.

Bruce Segal wrote:

add your dba name and password (or prompt) to the rt-setup-database

–dba dba’s username
–dba-password dba’s password
–prompt-for-dba-password Ask for the database administrator’s
password interactively

The rt-users Archives

RT Developer and Administrator training is coming to LA, DC and
Frankfurt this spring and summer.

Sign up early, as class space is limited.

Thanks, it worked perfectly. Strange is that those options were not
listed in the README file.

We’ll get that fixed up for 3.2.1

We’ll get that fixed up for 3.2.1

Does it look like 3.2.1 will be released relatively soon … the only
reason I ask is because if so, then I might hold off until its release
before migrating from 3.0.11.



We’ll get that fixed up for 3.2.1

Does it look like 3.2.1 will be released relatively soon … the only
reason I ask is because if so, then I might hold off until its release
before migrating from 3.0.11.

At a rough guess, I’d say another week or so. We’re still collecting
feedback from the 3.2.0 release.

Cool, thanks!

We’ll get that fixed up for 3.2.1

Does it look like 3.2.1 will be released relatively soon … the only
reason I ask is because if so, then I might hold off until its release
before migrating from 3.0.11.

At a rough guess, I’d say another week or so. We’re still collecting
feedback from the 3.2.0 release.

Hi Jesse,

My main problem (which is not new to RT) is a couple of perl Modules
that don’t build with perl -MCPAN -e shell:

Module::Build and Log::Dispatch


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My main problem (which is not new to RT) is a couple of perl Modules
that don’t build with perl -MCPAN -e shell:

Module::Build and Log::Dispatch

sure they do. what’s the error you encounter?

My main problem (which is not new to RT) is a couple of perl Modules
that don’t build with perl -MCPAN -e shell:

Module::Build and Log::Dispatch

sure they do. what’s the error you encounter?

I’m pretty sure they don’t.

You don’t do:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

You do:

perl Build.PL
./Build install

And what’s worse, they don’t respect destination install directories
(everything else installed properly into ~/.perl/, while I had to move
around directories for these two).

All I did was to use rt’s script to install dependencies using cpan.


signature.asc (189 Bytes)