RT 3.2.0 Results.rdf problem

I am trying to generate the RSS version of a search using the
RSS button which appears to call Results.rdf. The Results.tsv
for generating a spreadsheet works fine. The RSS ends up saving
the actual Results.rdf file instead of the results of the search
in XML/RSS format. Has anyone tried this out yet or am I
misunderstanding how it is supposed to work?

Ken Marshall

Sounds like you’ve got your apache configured to do something with .rdf
files that takes precedence over the rule to handle all of RT’s files
the same way.On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 08:21:45AM -0500, Kenneth Marshall wrote:

I am trying to generate the RSS version of a search using the
RSS button which appears to call Results.rdf. The Results.tsv
for generating a spreadsheet works fine. The RSS ends up saving
the actual Results.rdf file instead of the results of the search
in XML/RSS format. Has anyone tried this out yet or am I
misunderstanding how it is supposed to work?

Ken Marshall

The rt-users Archives

Be sure to check out the RT wiki at http://wiki.bestpractical.com

I am trying to generate the RSS version of a search using the
RSS button which appears to call Results.rdf. The Results.tsv
for generating a spreadsheet works fine. The RSS ends up saving
the actual Results.rdf file instead of the results of the search
in XML/RSS format. Has anyone tried this out yet or am I
misunderstanding how it is supposed to work?
Good catch. This will be resolved in RT 3.2.1; if you’re in a hurry,
the fix is below.

  • Alex

Index: bin/webmux.pl.in
— bin/webmux.pl.in (revision 1193)
+++ bin/webmux.pl.in (working copy)
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@

  • We don’t need to handle non-text items

  • return -1 if defined( $r->content_type ) && $r->content_type !~ m|^text/|io;
  • We don’t need to handle non-text, non-xml items

  • return -1 if defined( $r->content_type ) && $r->content_type !~ m!(^text/|\bxml\b)!io;

    my %session;
    my $status;
    Index: html/Search/Results.rdf
    — html/Search/Results.rdf (revision 1193)
    +++ html/Search/Results.rdf (working copy)
    @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

my $Tickets = RT::Tickets->new($session{‘CurrentUser’});

  • $r->content_type(‘xml/rss’);

Networking – one letter away from not working