RT 3.0.10 / win32: does not send e-mail / scrips die


Our RT 3.0.10 on win32 (Using Autrijus’ win32 build) does not send e-mails.

Here is a part of the logfile:

C:/Program Files/OurInternet/Common/…/Request
[Fri Apr 23 14:19:41 2004] [info]: rt-3.0.10-9-40.3.1787109375@on-geo
No recipients found. Not sending.
(C:/Program Files/OurInternet/Common/…/Request
[Fri Apr 23 14:19:41 2004] [info]: rt-3.0.10-9-40.4.9658203125@on-geo
#9/40 - Scrip 8 (C:/Program Files/OurInternet/Common/…/Request
[Fri Apr 23 14:19:42 2004] [error]: Scrip 8 died. - Unknown error at
C:/Program Files/OurInternet/Common/perl/lib/CGI/Carp.pm line 314.

emailrelay (start.bat) was started in that case. Without the error message
looks nearly identical.

Any hint how to make it to send mail? Or how to find out what exactly is
the problem here?



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emailrelay (start.bat) was started in that case. Without the error message
looks nearly identical.

Any hint how to make it to send mail? Or how to find out what exactly is
the problem here?

Look at the C:\Program Files\OurInternet\Common\emailrelay\spool
directory to find out if there’s any SMTP transcription and error logs.

Make sure your outgoing SMTP Server as configured in Global Setup can
really be sent to. (Try “telnet servername:25” for example.)

Turn on “SMTP Debugging” in the Global Setup may also help to show
the SMTP transmissions as part of rt.log.

As a last resort, disable emailrelay altogether by hand-editing

C:\Program Files\OurInternet\Request Tracker\win32\lib\WinRT\RELAY.pm

and put this line immediately after “sub Launch”, line 38;

