RT 2.1.85 - Fixes Global Custom Field ACL bug

The ACL fixup in 2.1.84 was a little bit overzealous. Global Custom
Fields could only be seen by folks with the Global SeeQueue right.

 294    274	  Adding a frob to the Header to suppress the logged in box;
	  fixing a Custom Fields ACL over-optimization (bug) for global
	  custom fields
 295    275	  Bumping to 2.1.85

Request Tracker — Best Practical Solutions – Trouble Ticketing. Free.

Hi all,

I have come a new issue in RT3:

RT3 does not list dependencies recusrsively, though it does list children

Also, where should we report these bugs, if I look at
http://rt3.fsck.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=1674 this bug is still marked
as open, even though the last correspondence was Mon Sep 23 17:01:13 2002.
Bugs 1657 (resolved long ago, against 2.1.34) and 2135 (automated spam bug)
are still sitting in the new state. Where can we go for a good current list
of known issues?

Thanks in advance,

If you add a “DependsOn” then it creates a history item to reflect that.
However, if you remove a “DependsOn” then that is not reflected in the
history list.


Hi all,

I have come a new issue in RT3:

RT3 does not list dependencies recusrsively, though it does list children

This falls into the “feature we don’t have” category instead of the
“bug” category.

Also, where should we report these bugs

RT3 has a seperate queue: ‘rt3’. Its buglist applet is here:
Its email address is rt-3.0-bugs@fsck.com

Thanks in advance,

rt-devel mailing list

Request Tracker... So much more than a help desk — Best Practical Solutions – Trouble Ticketing. Free.