RT 2.0.15 pass problem

Hi all,

I would like some help, if possible with a problem I’m having with RT 2.0.15.

I’m currently on holiday abroad away from my systems base and there seems to be a password error with my RT account. I can currently access tickets one-by-one as an ordinary user, but am unable to do anything in an administrative manner. Is there any way I can enable admin priveliges and/or access all tickets with replying abilities.

My staff back there do not have access as I have locked the computer and they do not have the necessary knowledge to reset the password.

My boxes are generic loaded Red Hat, WinXP, Win 2003 Advanced Server, I normally load following the docs to the letter and refer later only if probs occur. My knowledge is nil, I’m only a very advanced Windows troubleshooter, no certification on other systems.

Thank you for your time.

Looking forward to an early and positive reply.

Mike Smith
SysAdmin - Mememsha Connect
P.S. I handle all RT tickets, hence this problem.