'root' lost all rights

We managed a very silly thing today. While modifying global acls from within
the web interface, we removed all permissions for all users: including root.
Now we can not add any rights for anyone, ofcourse.

I will try to bone up on postgres enough to alter the acls from pqsl.
But if anyone knows the magic words off the top of your head, please
pass them on.

Is there a way to idiot proof the webui to prevent such things?


I found it without to much trouble:

psql rt2 -U rt_user

rt2=> select id from users where name=‘root’;
(1 row)

rt2=> insert into acl values (3,3,‘User’, ‘SuperUser’, ‘System’, 0);
INSERT 30016 1

ashleyOn Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 03:11:42PM -0700, Ashley Gould wrote:

We managed a very silly thing today. While modifying global acls from within
the web interface, we removed all permissions for all users: including root.
Now we can not add any rights for anyone, ofcourse.

I will try to bone up on postgres enough to alter the acls from pqsl.
But if anyone knows the magic words off the top of your head, please
pass them on.

Is there a way to idiot proof the webui to prevent such things?


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