I have a question regarding RT 3.6.5: I have set up an ACL Scenario, where I want a queue to be completely managed by a group. This works remarkably well, however, one cavet remains:
I cannot get my administrative group to manage Queue Rights for System Groups and Roles:
Managing User Defined groups works like a breeze, but I seem to be missing something here.
The users in question do have the following rights on the Axapta Queue:
· AdminQueue
· AssignCustomFields
· ModifyACL
· modifyQueueWatchers
· ModifyScrips
· ModifyTemplate
· SeeQueue
· ShowACL
· ShowOutgoingEmail
· ShowScrips
· ShowTemplate
Is there anything I am missing?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Torben Nehmer
Torben Nehmer
Diplom Informatiker (FH)
Business System Developer
CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
Messerschmittstr. 20
89343 Scheppach
CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Jettingen-Scheppach
HRB 10653 Memmingen
Geschäftsführer: Paul Holdschik, Christian Linder
Diese E-Mail und alle mitgesendeten Dateien sind vertraulich und ausschließlich für den Gebrauch durch den Empfänger bestimmt!
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential intended solely for the use of the addressee!
We grant the following rights globally (Configuration->Global->Group
the other rights you mentioned, we grant to the AdminCc role in the
queue we want them to have those rights for. In all our queues, our
AdminCc (for us, that’s the person(s) that manage the queues) can modify
the ACL for any System Group/Role for any queue that they are the
AdminCc of. Hope this helps.
I have a question regarding RT 3.6.5: I have set up an ACL Scenario,
where I want a queue to be completely managed by a group. This works
remarkably well, however, one cavet remains:
I cannot get my administrative group to manage Queue Rights for System
Groups and Roles:
Managing User Defined groups works like a breeze, but I seem to be
missing something here.
The users in question do have the following rights on the Axapta Queue:
� AdminQueue
� AssignCustomFields
� ModifyACL
� modifyQueueWatchers
� ModifyScrips
� ModifyTemplate
� SeeQueue
� ShowACL
� ShowOutgoingEmail
� ShowScrips
� ShowTemplate
Is there anything I am missing?
Mit freundlichen Gr��en,
Torben Nehmer
Torben Nehmer
Diplom Informatiker (FH)
Business System Developer
CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
Messerschmittstr. 20
89343 Scheppach
CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Jettingen-Scheppach
HRB 10653 Memmingen
Gesch�ftsf�hrer: Paul Holdschik, Christian Linder
Diese E-Mail und alle mitgesendeten Dateien sind vertraulich und
ausschlie�lich f�r den Gebrauch durch den Empf�nger bestimmt!
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential intended
solely for the use of the addressee!
Assigning SeeGroup globally did the trick. Thanks for the advice!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Torben Nehmer
Torben Nehmer
Diplom Informatiker (FH)
Business System Developer
CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
Messerschmittstr. 20
89343 Scheppach
Tel.: +49 8225 - 996-1118
Fax: +49 8225 - 996-41118 torben.nehmer@cancom.de
CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Jettingen-Scheppach
HRB 10653 Memmingen
Geschäftsführer: Paul Holdschik, Christian Linder
Diese E-Mail und alle mitgesendeten Dateien sind vertraulich und ausschließlich für den Gebrauch durch den Empfänger bestimmt!
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential intended solely for the use of the addressee!