RFC-compliance for message header from address

We have RT 5.0.5 and at the moment we have the problem that almost all the emails are blocked by the spam filter. According to the error message the Header-From address is not RFC 5322 compliant. https://support.hornetsecurity.com/hc/en-us/articles/22036971529617-Enhancing-RFC-compliance-for-message-header-from-addresses

How can we adjust the Header-From address? Or is there already an official issue at Best Practical and they solve it with the next release?

Hello @Raffael_Luthiger and welcome.

We have no issues with non-conform emails generated by RT4. I just worked on it because we have an issue with UseFriendlyFromLine, but the header-from line itself is conform to RFC. RT5 looks very like RT4 at this point.

What is Hornetsecurity complaining about exatcly?
Do you have an example?

There are three things I can imagine.

  1. If there is no “To:” but only “CC:” or “BCC:” the header-from is empty. It is shown up as “undisclosed recipients” in most clients.
  2. If somebody use the From: in a template to set it himself he has to set a correct header. This part will be used as is, RT does not alter the text.
  3. The Reply Addressor Comment Address is set to an invalid address in Queue-Basics configuration.