Resolved template with resolved message


When a ticket is resolved a message with the solution is sent to the customer (this works ok), but I would need to have a resolved template in which the solution can be written by the RT-user. So when the RT-user sends the solution to the customer he/she would only need to write the solution, the rest of the email would come from a template.
How can this be done? Does anyone have suggestions for this?

I have RT 3.0.7_01 in use.

The mail sent to the customer could look like this:


Your request has been solved.

Solution details:

(here the RT-user could write the solution for the customer)

If you have any further inquiries, please reply to this mail.

  • Anki - wrote:


When a ticket is resolved a message with the solution is sent to the customer (this works ok), but I would need to have a resolved template in which the solution can be written by the RT-user. So when the RT-user sends the solution to the customer he/she would only need to write the solution, the rest of the email would come from a template.
How can this be done? Does anyone have suggestions for this?
First of all.
Status change (Resolve) - one transaction.
Reply or comment is another.

I have RT 3.0.7_01 in use.
RT 3.0.8 and higher have new feature in scrip’s core. This allow to exec
your scrip after all transactions done.
So you can scan near transactions for reply or comment and add it to
Best regards. Ruslan.

RT 3.0.8 and higher have new feature in scrip’s core. This
allow to exec
your scrip after all transactions done.
So you can scan near transactions for reply or comment and add it to

Thank you for your fast reply. I’ll update to the newest RT and test the new scrip functionality.

  • Anki -

RT 3.0.8 and higher have new feature in scrip’s core. This
allow to exec
your scrip after all transactions done.
So you can scan near transactions for reply or comment and add it to
Best regards. Ruslan.

Now I have updated to RT 3.0.8. How should I change the scrip so that is scans for a comment (or reply)? What code should I write for that?
Thanks for your help!

  • anki -