Report on elapsed time that ticket is with us


I have a requirement from one of my users to produce a SLA report that shows the amount of time that a support ticket is with us so that we can be working on it. So any time where a question has been asked of a customer and we’re waiting for their response should be excluded (so we stop the time to respond clock).

Has anyone produced something like this?

My current thinking is that:

  1. we’d need to add another ticket status like “Waiting on customer”,
  2. when we ask a question that we need the answer to, we set the state,
  3. we have a scrip that sets the state out of Waiting on customer when the Requestor responds.

The big downside from this that I can see is the requirement for our people to set the state when they ask the question.


Why not use the Stalled status and a scrip which set the ticket status automatically to stalled when you send an email to the Requestor?

We don’t want to use Stalled, as we already use that status for tickets that are actually stalled.

The downside of automatically setting the ticket status when we send an email is that if we’re sending a progress update, the state will change, which isn’t appropriate.