Reply to ticket: This transaction appears to have no content


when replying to some tickets normally the content of the transaction is
shown in the reply.
On some tickets only the text 'This transaction appears to have no content’
is shown.
I think this only occurs with tickets where the transaction contains
multipart content.
Is there a way to show the text/plain part in the reply?

Thanks for help.

Jörg Eichhorn

Hi, I just upgraded to RT 3.4.4 and now I get the same error as Jorg.
I could not find any responses to his problem and I’m hoping that
someone knows how to resolve this.

  • The ticket gets created and displays properly in the RT web interface when the
    user sends an html mail to the mailgate alias. But the auto reply to
    the user says
    ’This transaction appears to have no content’. Also ticket
    correspondence via email
    with html/text reproduces this problem. plain/text works fine.


More info:
#The Correspondence template looks like this:
RT-Attach-Message: yes


You may reply to this email to update the ticket.

#But the actual correspondence looks like this:
This transaction appears to have no content

You may reply to this email to update the ticket.
at least 512 MB, so 2 dimms 256 each

#That last line should be the message content, but instead it floods into
the bottom of the message.

Thanks for any help in advance,