Removing "dead" users again

i know this topic has been here a few times, but unfortunately i have
not seen it resolved:
when using RT for collecting requests from many sources (like when
catching abuse reports), the users table grows very large and
performance is becoming very low.
although there is a way to remove tickets with status "deleted"
physically from the database, there is no way to remove users who are
not referenced by any ticket.
maybe somebody who happens to be perl/db programmer (not a luser like
me), could write a few lines of code to do this simple task.
any comments appreciated.

Alek Cesarz : NOD manager : ALEK1-RIPE
+48 22 860 69 60 : Crowley Data Poland

I’m wondering about this too … any way to do it?
We’ve got 113095 users listed in the Users table… be nice to preen some
orphaned ones out.----- Original Message -----
From: “Alek Cesarz”
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:14 AM
Subject: [rt-devel] removing “dead” users again…

i know this topic has been here a few times, but unfortunately i have
not seen it resolved:
when using RT for collecting requests from many sources (like when
catching abuse reports), the users table grows very large and
performance is becoming very low.
although there is a way to remove tickets with status “deleted”
physically from the database, there is no way to remove users who are
not referenced by any ticket.
maybe somebody who happens to be perl/db programmer (not a luser like
me), could write a few lines of code to do this simple task.
any comments appreciated.


Alek Cesarz : NOD manager : ALEK1-RIPE
+48 22 860 69 60 : Crowley Data Poland

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