Reminder Field


Is there a way to use the Reminder’s field, in RT 3.6, for sending out an email when that particular ticket is due? I am currently using rt-remind and it will only send out bulk reminders and I would also have to schedule when they are to be sent out. I was hoping to find something that would check the reminder’s field and send out an email if there is a reminder pending.



Is there a way to use the Reminder’s field, in RT 3.6, for sending out
an email when that particular ticket is due? I am currently using
rt-remind and it will only send out bulk reminders and I would also
have to schedule when they are to be sent out. I was hoping to find
something that would check the reminder’s field and send out an email
if there is a reminder pending.

FYI, Reminders are not ticket fields, they are new tickets of ‘Type’ ‘remind’ created with a reference to
the main ticket (RefersTo), the things to do as subject, the due date … as
due date and the targeted user as owner. So you can get them individually with
the standard RT API.

here is a “scrip” I made yesterday for sending a mail to the owner when
a reminder is created, maybe it can help you:



User defined:

my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;


return(undef) unless $trans->Type eq “Create”;

Only reminders

return(undef) unless $trans->TicketObj->Type eq “reminder”;



Send to owner as comment




A new reminder for the ticket {$Ticket->RefersTo->First->TargetObj->Id} has been assigned to you.

Due: {$Ticket->DueObj->AsString} ({$Ticket->DueObj->AgeAsString})
URL: {$RT::WebURL}Ticket/Display.html?id={$Ticket->RefersTo->First->TargetObj->Id}
