Relational Graphs not displaying in RT 4.0.5

I no longer see the Relational graphs in RT 4.0.5 after upgrading. The
legend does appear but the graph is just a box with an X in it. I have
attached the error logs if I go to the page. Also, nothing appears in
the rt logs on the actual server.

Is anyone on 4.0.5 able to see these graphs or is this just me?


RT_Error.txt (5.89 KB)

Found the problem. Something is wrong with my compiled GraphViz/expat
dependencies.On Thu, 2012-03-15 at 14:35 -0400, Christopher Lasater wrote:

I no longer see the Relational graphs in RT 4.0.5 after upgrading. The
legend does appear but the graph is just a box with an X in it. I have
attached the error logs if I go to the page. Also, nothing appears in
the rt logs on the actual server.

Is anyone on 4.0.5 able to see these graphs or is this just me?
