RecordComment syntax

I am trying to set up a cron job that records a comment on certain tickets based on an SQL search. The comment will be based on a template. So far the script won’t work. I have been trying to use a simple job so far to see if this will work on a single ticket. It appears that the cron jobs are running now as I am getting verbose output.

Here is the job:
/home/amxrt/rt3/bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg “id = ‘1406’” --action RT::Action::Notify --template 18 -verbose

Here is the output of the job:

1406: Using transaction #48871…Action prepared…

The template is the same template in the example for TimedNotifications:

RT-Send-Cc: …@…com (fill in email address here)

The ticket {$Ticket->id} is only being used for testing.

Any help on this would be awesome as I have been staring at this for a long time.

Andy Werner

I think you need to specify --action-arg option to define who you want
to notify. Possible values are Owner, Cc, AdminCc, Requestor and
OtherRecipients. You can use comma separated list as well.2008/4/23 Andy Werner

I am trying to set up a cron job that records a comment on certain tickets
based on an SQL search. The comment will be based on a template. So far
the script won’t work. I have been trying to use a simple job so far to see
if this will work on a single ticket. It appears that the cron jobs are
running now as I am getting verbose output.

Here is the job:

/home/amxrt/rt3/bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg
“id = ‘1406’” --action RT::Action::Notify --template 18 –verbose

Here is the output of the job:

1406: Using transaction #48871…Action prepared…

The template is the same template in the example for TimedNotifications:

Subject: {$Ticket->id} test.

RT-Send-Cc: …@…com (fill in email address here)

The ticket {$Ticket->id} is only being used for testing.

Any help on this would be awesome as I have been staring at this for a long

Andy Werner

List info: The rt-devel Archives

Best regards, Ruslan.