Recommended Hard Drive size

I had tried to set up an RT system a while back and ran into problems and
distractions so it was never finished. I’m planning on starting again and
was wondering what was the recommended hard drive size for a single RT
system. I will be using Red Hat 9 and have roughly 200 employees with a max
of 10 tickets a day. I’m assuming a 20gb drive would be enough but I wanted
to double-check. Thanks.


Clayton Tavernier
IS Consultant
Kennerly-Spratling, Inc.

Tavernier, Clayton wrote:

I had tried to set up an RT system a while back and ran into problems
and distractions so it was never finished. I’m planning on starting
again and was wondering what was the recommended hard drive size for a
single RT system. I will be using Red Hat 9 and have roughly 200
employees with a max of 10 tickets a day. I’m assuming a 20gb drive
would be enough but I wanted to double-check. Thanks.

It really depends on the types of tickets, how many replies each one
will get, etc. I have a system with around 200 tickets which has used a
whole of 25M. If you users like to attach pdf, doc, etc files to
tickets expect the database to balloon accordingly.