Random mason errors


I keep getting some strange Mason errors when implementing a feature in
the “Header” component. The wierdness is, that it works, but here and
then it throws me an error:

error in file:
line 27: Bareword “new” not allowed while “strict subs” in use
line 27: Unquoted string “new” may clash with future reserved word
line 27: Bareword found where operator expected(Do you need to
predeclare new?)
line 27: syntax error
line 128: syntax error

Here’s the affected code:

my $LogoName;
my $LogoPath;
my $Customizing;

if ($session{‘CurrentUser’})
$Customizing = new RT::Customizing($session{‘CurrentUser’});
$LogoName = $Customizing->GetEffectiveEntity( Entity =>
“Header_LogoName”, Default => “rt.jpg”);

So the big question is: Why does it throw the error only sometimes and
how can I debug WHEN it throws the error? When I remove the OO stuff (
new RT::Customizing et al), it works. The same code also works without
problems in other components.

Best regards

Timo A. Hummel, IT Specialist
IS Innovative Software AG Phone: +49 69 505030-302
Feuerbachstraße 26-32 Fax: +49 69 505030-505
60325 Frankfurt a.M. E-Mail:
GERMANY WWW: http://is.ag

That’s often the case when hitting a missed paren or brace.On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 07:08:31PM +0100, Timo Hummel wrote:


I keep getting some strange Mason errors when implementing a feature in
the “Header” component. The wierdness is, that it works, but here and
then it throws me an error:

error in file:
line 27: Bareword “new” not allowed while “strict subs” in use
line 27: Unquoted string “new” may clash with future reserved word
line 27: Bareword found where operator expected(Do you need to
predeclare new?)
line 27: syntax error
line 128: syntax error

Here’s the affected code:

my $LogoName;
my $LogoPath;
my $Customizing;

if ($session{‘CurrentUser’})
$Customizing = new RT::Customizing($session{‘CurrentUser’});
$LogoName = $Customizing->GetEffectiveEntity( Entity =>
“Header_LogoName”, Default => “rt.jpg”);

So the big question is: Why does it throw the error only sometimes and
how can I debug WHEN it throws the error? When I remove the OO stuff (
new RT::Customizing et al), it works. The same code also works without
problems in other components.

Best regards

Timo A. Hummel, IT Specialist
IS Innovative Software AG Phone: +49 69 505030-302
Feuerbachstraße 26-32 Fax: +49 69 505030-505
60325 Frankfurt a.M. E-Mail:
GERMANY WWW: http://is.ag

rt-devel mailing list

http://www.bestpractical.com/products/rt – Trouble Ticketing. Free.

Hi, I am looking for input as to the best way to quickly remove a ticket
from a queue in RT. Our help desk alias recives alot of mail that
does not belong in an RT queue and the general consensus here is
that the best way to solve the problem is a delete or remove link
next to every ticket when a queue is being viewed via ‘find
new/open tickets’ or, I suppose, any ticket list viewed with the search

Is their anything wrong with the deleting a ticket from the Ticket table
like so: " delete from Tickets where id="$id"" or would it better to
update the status to ‘dead’ or ‘resolved’ like so: “update Tickets set
status=‘dead’ where id=”$id""?

Should I worry about the Transactions table or any of the other fields in
the Tickets table.

Thanks for your input — Tom