Is there any way to handle different coverage times for notifications, i.e. notifying a different person based on a staffing schedule? For example, excluding people from new ticket notifications when they’re not working. We want to start having each queue have a group of people to notify when a new ticket comes in, and at determined intervals if the ticket has been inactive for a certain period.
I don’t know of any built in support for this, but you could use some logic based on Group membership. Looking at the available extensions, this one looks interesting: RT::Extension::ShiftPlanning, even if it is just used as a base, or for inspiration.
How do you currently manage staff schedules, and is this information available in a digital format that can be integrated with the notification system?
There’s nothing built in, but we’re looking at PagerDuty and its competitors (eg ZenDuty) to do this for us. PagerDuty can be connected to RT via Zapier to automate interactions.