Queue change template


When a ticket is transferred to another queue, can I include the old
queue name in a template? I want a queue change template to say:

This ticket has been transferred from {$Transaction->OldValue} to

…except have {$Transaction->OldValue} replaced with the queue name.

Also, is it possible to include the first attachment for the ticket
being transferred?

When a ticket is transferred between queues, it would be nice for the
adminCCs of the new queue to see (in email) where the ticket came from
and what the original request was about.

Thanks in advance.

Gregory Go a écrit :

When a ticket is transferred to another queue, can I include the old
queue name in a template? I want a queue change template to say:

This ticket has been transferred from {$Transaction->OldValue} to

…except have {$Transaction->OldValue} replaced with the queue name.

For that you will have to load a queue object. I’m not sure how this can
be integrated in a template (someone?) but I think it would look like this :

This ticket has been transferred from {my $OldQueue = new
RT::Queue($RT::SystemUser); $OldQueue->LoadById($Transaction->OldValue);

(Yes, that’s quite long)

Also, is it possible to include the first attachment for the ticket
being transferred?

Try this :


Guillaume Perréal.