
I couldn’t find another e-mail address to address questions to, so I hope this is ok. How easily is RT modified? For instance, for our purposes (an ISP) it would be great if we could make the “Create a Request in Queue” available to our customers from our web-site. And if we could do that, I wouldn’t like to have all the fields in that form available to our customers, I would like to be able to modify those and make it so that we can force our custmers to fill out certain fields. Is this possible for me to modify as the program stands right now (I’m a computer science minor) or would we have to wait for mods from you?


It would be easier to create your own form for your customers to use
that would, on the back-end, generate an email to your RT email alias.
This way, you have full control over what fields they see, you can force
certain fields, etc.

Not sure if it is still out there, but I contrinuted a rudimentary
"forms.cgi" script which essentially does what you are asking… It
would take a little work to customize the forms themselves to your
environment, but not a whole lot… :slight_smile:


Hi Guys,

As part of our project roll-out plan, I have been asked a couple of
questions and I’m hoping you guys can give me some answers:

  1. If someone either adds comments or closes a ticket who’s owner is
    Nobody, can RT make them the owner, even if they don’t specifically
    change ownership?

  2. Is there any way to move an email from one ticket to another, say
    when a customer types the wrong ticket number in their reply.

  3. Is it possible to prevent a ticket being closed unless someone enters
    time in the Time worked field?

  4. What is the timeline on 3.2 and its new Journal features?

  5. Has anyone got Statistics module to integrate with the Workflow
    interface? Is there a timeline on the upgraded Stats module?

  6. Is it possible to make Workflow interface the default?

Sorry there are so many.


Rick Ellis Richard.Ellis@Sun.COM

Well, I’m by no means an incredibly experienced RT user, but perhaps I
can help with a couple of these…

  1. If someone either adds comments or closes a ticket who’s owner is
    Nobody, can RT make them the owner, even if they don’t specifically
    change ownership?

I’m assuming you could create a scrip with a custom action that changes
the owner on such conditions. I have yet to create custom scrips,
however, so I’m not certain what one’s options are.

In fact, here’s a decent-sized thread on the topic:

  1. Is it possible to prevent a ticket being closed unless someone
    time in the Time worked field?

I know I just saw this on the mailing list somewhere in the past few
days when doing through the archives. But I can’t seem to come up with
a search that brings it up again. Essentially, a few lines of perl code
were added to check the field, giving an error if the field wasn’t
filled in.

Well, perhaps the above isn’t much help…


I believe you’re looking for Patrick Hurley []
Sent: February 12, 2004 6:44 AM
To: Rick Ellis;
Subject: RE: [rt-users] Questions


  1. Is it possible to prevent a ticket being closed unless someone
    time in the Time worked field?

I know I just saw this on the mailing list somewhere in the past few
days when doing through the archives. But I can’t seem to come up with
a search that brings it up again. Essentially, a few lines of perl code
were added to check the field, giving an error if the field wasn’t
filled in.



The company I’m working for is looking to switch to RT from our current
ticketing system. Per user licensing issues are getting in the way of our
productivity and we’re all for moving to a GPL based package.

I’m pleased so far with the installation of RT that I’ve performed ontop
of a Debian installation, however there are a few features in our current
software that we find to be useful and I’d like to know if there’s
something similar available through RT or an extention to RT.

Basically the existing software allows us to enter the items supported for
specific contracts with the SLA response/fix times specified on a per item
basis. We can then configure the software to alert us before the response
time runs out. Is it possible to achieve this through RT without creating
queues for each item under contract?

I could of course write the functionality myself but would like to know if
this has been done before starting on it.



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