Questions regarding email functionality

Hi all,

I have a couple of questions regarding how the email history/cache works in
regards to RT.

I’ve inherited managing our organizations RT (4.0.10) system from an out
going employee. Now every time the previous guy would do anything
administrative (upgrading ect…) he’d pretty much dump every prior email
notification RT ever sent in our inboxes and I am hoping to avoid doing that

1.) Is there any documentation I can look through as my Googlefu didn’t come
up with anything and

2.) Would something as simple restarted the httpd service cause this to

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I appreciate any advice given.

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I’ve inherited managing our organizations RT (4.0.10) system from an out
going employee. Now every time the previous guy would do anything
administrative (upgrading ect…) he’d pretty much dump every prior email
notification RT ever sent in our inboxes and I am hoping to avoid doing that

That’s an amazing feat. Nothing in a normal RT upgrade or
configuration change would do that.

1.) Is there any documentation I can look through as my Googlefu didn’t come
up with anything and

Start at

2.) Would something as simple restarted the httpd service cause this to


Mail in RT is handed off to your MTA immediately. Re-sending that
email means someone is rerunning all the transactions or has a bad
mail queue that they’re flushing or something similarly awful.


Great thanks for the help, this was kind of dumped in my lap and I know
nothing about RT so still figuring things out.

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