Questions and LDAP


I’m new on this list. USIT (Center for Information Technology Services)
will use RT as their new support tool for requesting users (students and
staff) at University of Oslo. It has been a long selection process among
many alternative tools. Our staff superiors has decided that RT is
probably the best tool to fulfill our needs.

There has been put down a project group to develop our needs for this
Ticketing System of people from different departments. I’ve been selected
to do the technical installation and “low-level” configuration.

I work in the Applications Management Group and also the Database Administration
Group. In addition, I’m dependent on the Unix Management Group, Web Group
and the Postmaster Group. Welcome to the Bureaucracy! :wink: Luckily, I’m
free’er to maintain the installation myself.

Our old test installation was of the following configuration:

* RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (RHES30)
* RT 3.0.10
* Perl 5.8.3 (and latest CPAN modules)
* A working mod_perl: mod_perl-1.99_12
* PostgreSQL 7.3.5
* Apache 2 (RedHat RPM's)
* Exim-4.x

Some questions and experienced issues:

cpan> install DBD::Pg
Path to pg_config? /postgres/pg_cluster01/data
Enter a valid PostgreSQL major version number 7
Enter a valid PostgreSQL minor version number 3
Enter a valid PostgreSQL patch version number 5
Enter a valid PostgreSQL include directory
Enter a valid PostgreSQL library directory

look DBD::Pg
bash-2.05b# export DBI_DSN=dbi:Pg:dbname=template1
bash-2.05b# export DBI_USER=postgres
make test

	1 of 92 errors while testing DBD::Pg:

The test will fault, but we selected to ignore this as irrelevant.
A newer version (maybe it’s out - haven’t checked yet) v. 1.33 would solve
this error. Current version used is 1.32.

make install

The distributed Norwegian translation is mildly terrible. I believe we
have a better diff of no.po, but we are not sure yet to use English
language default, since we got some terminology problems for our users.

The browser detects language, and my question is if it’s possible to
force a language to be used; e.g. English language? Would that be
removing all the other language modules?

Another reason than terminology is that the no.po will not make a 100%
complete translation, and we will probably get a mixed language in RT. But
it’s not decided yet if we want to ditch Norwegian language.

cp no.po no.po.orig

Use our own diff of no.po.

UiO uses Cerebrum project “Cerebrum download |
(developed at UiO) as their User Administrative System. We want to
syncronize LDAP into RT. Can You recommend some HOWTO to solve this? We
wabt to define in LDAP who is RT-admin’s or not.

I’m interested in all hints and issues about this, and howto merge
existing RT users in such a way that we don’t get automatically created
duplicates or more of the same users in RT. We want to force the userdata
in LDAP into our RT, e.g.

LDAP says username tomaso has as e-mail, and
probably will be the username in RT, and if
tomaso sends from another domain (other e-mail), no new user will not be

Is it possible to escalate an incomming request to another RT-server
elsewhere? RT-servers who “see” each other.

What’s the proper way to clean up users, groups and queues in RT?

Sorry for asking to much. More questions will still come! :slight_smile: We want to
help and improve RT from our side too.

Good Work with RT! And we wanted very much to be in Frankfurt for the
tutorial, but didn’t make it. Hopefully there will be more tutorials in
the future.


We have a test-bed and production environment for RT. Next installation
will be 3.2.x. We’re working with standardize our installation, among
others delegating responsibility for software like Perl, Apache, etc… to
the different management groups. Most software will be precompiled in
STORE; Version
control and security is important. Development, test, and production of RT
is a must.

I’m not a perl guru myself, so I was wondering if it’s possible to force
using a version of a perl module in CPAN (sorry if this is more perl
related)? We cannot mix versions if something happends.


Tomas A. P. Olaj, email:, web:
University of Oslo / USIT (Center for Information Technology Services)
System- and Application Management / Applications Management Group


I’m new on this list. USIT (Center for Information Technology Services)
will use RT as their new support tool for requesting users (students and
staff) at University of Oslo. It has been a long selection process among
many alternative tools. Our staff superiors has decided that RT is
probably the best tool to fulfill our needs.

There has been put down a project group to develop our needs for this
Ticketing System of people from different departments. I’ve been selected
to do the technical installation and “low-level” configuration.

I work in the Applications Management Group and also the Database Administration
Group. In addition, I’m dependent on the Unix Management Group, Web Group
and the Postmaster Group. Welcome to the Bureaucracy! :wink: Luckily, I’m
free’er to maintain the installation myself.

Our old test installation was of the following configuration:

* RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (RHES30)
* RT 3.0.10
* Perl 5.8.3 (and latest CPAN modules)
* A working mod_perl: mod_perl-1.99_12
* PostgreSQL 7.3.5
* Apache 2 (RedHat RPM's)
* Exim-4.x

Some questions and experienced issues:

cpan> install DBD::Pg
Path to pg_config? /postgres/pg_cluster01/data
Enter a valid PostgreSQL major version number 7
Enter a valid PostgreSQL minor version number 3
Enter a valid PostgreSQL patch version number 5
Enter a valid PostgreSQL include directory
Enter a valid PostgreSQL library directory

look DBD::Pg
bash-2.05b# export DBI_DSN=dbi:Pg:dbname=template1
bash-2.05b# export DBI_USER=postgres
make test

	1 of 92 errors while testing DBD::Pg:

The test will fault, but we selected to ignore this as irrelevant.
A newer version (maybe it’s out - haven’t checked yet) v. 1.33 would solve
this error. Current version used is 1.32.

make install

The distributed Norwegian translation is mildly terrible. I believe we
have a better diff of no.po, but we are not sure yet to use English
language default, since we got some terminology problems for our users.

The browser detects language, and my question is if it’s possible to
force a language to be used; e.g. English language? Would that be
removing all the other language modules?

Another reason than terminology is that the no.po will not make a 100%
complete translation, and we will probably get a mixed language in RT. But
it’s not decided yet if we want to ditch Norwegian language.

cp no.po no.po.orig

Use our own diff of no.po.

UiO uses Cerebrum project “Cerebrum download |
(developed at UiO) as their User Administrative System. We want to
syncronize LDAP into RT. Can You recommend some HOWTO to solve this? We
wabt to define in LDAP who is RT-admin’s or not.

I’m interested in all hints and issues about this, and howto merge
existing RT users in such a way that we don’t get automatically created
duplicates or more of the same users in RT. We want to force the userdata
in LDAP into our RT, e.g.

LDAP says username tomaso has as e-mail, and
probably will be the username in RT, and if
tomaso sends from another domain (other e-mail), no new user will not be

Is it possible to escalate an incomming request to another RT-server
elsewhere? RT-servers who “see” each other.

What’s the proper way to clean up users, groups and queues in RT?

Sorry for asking to much. More questions will still come! :slight_smile: We want to
help and improve RT from our side too.

Good Work with RT! And we wanted very much to be in Frankfurt for the
tutorial, but didn’t make it. Hopefully there will be more tutorials in
the future.


We have a test-bed and production environment for RT. Next installation
will be 3.2.x. We’re working with standardize our installation, among
others delegating responsibility for software like Perl, Apache, etc… to
the different management groups. Most software will be precompiled in
STORE; Version
control and security is important. Development, test, and production of RT
is a must.

I’m not a perl guru myself, so I was wondering if it’s possible to force
using a version of a perl module in CPAN (sorry if this is more perl
related)? We cannot mix versions if something happends.


Tomas A. P. Olaj, email:, web:
University of Oslo / USIT (Center for Information Technology Services)
System- and Application Management / Applications Management Group

UiO uses Cerebrum project “
(developed at UiO) as their User Administrative System. We want to
syncronize LDAP into RT. Can You recommend some HOWTO to solve this? We
wabt to define in LDAP who is RT-admin’s or not.

There are several ways to integrate RT and ldap. Doing an import and
sync is certainly possible, it’s what I do. There has been much
discussion about this in the past, it should be pretty simple to find.


On the marvelous Wed, 14 Jul 2004, seph wrote kindly to me …

Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 17:22:55 -0400
From: seph
To: Tomas Olaj
Subject: Re: Questions and LDAP

UiO uses Cerebrum project “
(developed at UiO) as their User Administrative System. We want to
syncronize LDAP into RT. Can You recommend some HOWTO to solve this? We
wabt to define in LDAP who is RT-admin’s or not.

There are several ways to integrate RT and ldap. Doing an import and
sync is certainly possible, it’s what I do. There has been much
discussion about this in the past, it should be pretty simple to find.


Hi Seph,

Thanks for Your reply.

I know there is something in the old archives I have to search through.
Have You thaught about the possibility to not use RT’s private
userdatabase, in such a way that RT makes direct request to a LDAP server.

This is perhaps what we “dream” of, a better solution than sync and


Tomas A. P. Olaj, email:, web:
University of Oslo / USIT (Center for Information Technology Services)
System- and Application Management / Applications Management Group

I know there is something in the old archives I have to search through.
Have You thaught about the possibility to not use RT’s private
userdatabase, in such a way that RT makes direct request to a LDAP server.

several other people have done this. There should be info in the
archives, and maybe on the wiki.
