Question on SelfService

I created an unprivileged user that is an AdminCC on a queue. When logged
in to SelfService, they seem to have all the permissions I granted the
AdminCC on that queue (create, show for the given queue) but here’s the

in the “My Open Tickets”, should they see the open tickets in the queue?
Same goes for the “My Closed Tickets”.


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Mat W wrote:

I created an unprivileged user that is an AdminCC on a queue. When
logged in to SelfService, they seem to have all the permissions I
granted the AdminCC on that queue (create, show for the given queue)
but here’s the question…

in the “My Open Tickets”, should they see the open tickets in the
queue? Same goes for the “My Closed Tickets”.


“My Open Tickets” - Will only display tickets that they are the
requestor of.
“My Closed Tickets” - Will show tickets that they are the requestor of
but also now have their status set to ‘resolved’

Jason, “axelilly”

Hrm, but could one go in and alter that query? I was looking at the
/SelfService/Elements/MyRequests… seems possble. Just not sure exactly
how to go about it.

Mat W wrote:

I created an unprivileged user that is an AdminCC on a queue. When logged
in to SelfService, they seem to have all the permissions I granted the
AdminCC on that queue (create, show for the given queue) but here’s the

in the “My Open Tickets”, should they see the open tickets in the queue?
Same goes for the “My Closed Tickets”.


“My Open Tickets” - Will only display tickets that they are the requestor
“My Closed Tickets” - Will show tickets that they are the requestor of but
also now have their status set to ‘resolved’

Jason, “axelilly”


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Mat W wrote:

Hrm, but could one go in and alter that query? I was looking at the
/SelfService/Elements/MyRequests… seems possble. Just not sure
exactly how to go about it.

Of course. You have the source :slight_smile:
It shouldn’t be hard to edit the SelfService portal to function however
you want it to.

aka ‘axelilly’