Question about dashboard

The question is simple:

I created a new dashboard but it is possible that only make visible to a
user group that I created? How is it done? I don’t see any “privacy
option” for the dashboard that I created …


/ / Daniel Garc�a Mej�a
C E / S / C A Portals i Repositoris
/_/ Centre de Serveis Cient�fics i Acad�mics de Catalunya

Gran Capit�, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) - 08034 Barcelona
T. (NULL) - F. 93 205 6979 -


You do this by setting up the “Group Rights” while in the Config->Group
page. Then, when you create your Dashboard, you make sure that you save it
under the Group you want to see it, provided you are also a member of that

Crocker Consulting ServicesOn Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Daniel Garcia Mejia dgarcia@cesca.catwrote:

The question is simple:

I created a new dashboard but it is possible that only make visible to a
user group that I created? How is it done? I don’t see any “privacy option”
for the dashboard that I created …


/ / Daniel García Mejía
C E / S / C A Portals i Repositoris
/_/ Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya

Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) - 08034 Barcelona
T. (NULL) - F. 93 205 6979 -

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