Question about autogenerating custom fields

I’ve been asked by my RT users if there’s a way to dynamically render
custom fields in a given ticket. For instance, in one of our hardware
request queues, if a user would request 5 different hardwares with 3
different OS, middlewares, etc. They want to be able to specify 5 systems
and it would render 5 different fields. I know out of the box, RT does
not have this capability, but what I’d like to know, if this is doable and
has someone done this already and maybe perhaps point me to the right

Thanks in advance.


I don’t know if you can auto-generate custom fields, but you can certainly
store multiple values within an already existing custom field. For
instance, set up custom fields for Hardware, OS, Applications, etc,
creating each field as a “multiple values” field. Each field can then hold
as many values as you like. Using a scrip to load values into the fields
is fairly straightforward and there are examples in the Contributions (or
Code Snippets, I can never remember which) area of the wiki.

Let me know if this doesn’t answer your question.


At 03:19 PM 4/4/2007, Enrique Gaona wrote:

I’ve been asked by my RT users if there’s a way to dynamically render
custom fields in a given ticket. For instance, in one of our hardware
request queues, if a user would request 5 different hardwares with 3
different OS, middlewares, etc. They want to be able to specify 5 systems
and it would render 5 different fields. I know out of the box, RT does not
have this capability, but what I’d like to know, if this is doable and has
someone done this already and maybe perhaps point me to the right direction.

Thanks in advance.


Gene LeDuc, GSEC
Security Analyst
San Diego State University

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll look through the Contributions for some


         Gene  LeDuc                                                   
         .edu>                                                      To 
                                   Enrique Gaona/Austin/IBM@IBMUS      
         04/05/2007 11:10                                           cc 
         AM                        RT User List                        
                                   Re: [rt-users] Question about       
                                   autogenerating custom fields        

I don’t know if you can auto-generate custom fields, but you can certainly
store multiple values within an already existing custom field. For
instance, set up custom fields for Hardware, OS, Applications, etc,
creating each field as a “multiple values” field. Each field can then hold

as many values as you like. Using a scrip to load values into the fields
is fairly straightforward and there are examples in the Contributions (or
Code Snippets, I can never remember which) area of the wiki.

Let me know if this doesn’t answer your question.


At 03:19 PM 4/4/2007, Enrique Gaona wrote:

I’ve been asked by my RT users if there’s a way to dynamically render
custom fields in a given ticket. For instance, in one of our hardware
request queues, if a user would request 5 different hardwares with 3
different OS, middlewares, etc. They want to be able to specify 5 systems
and it would render 5 different fields. I know out of the box, RT does not

have this capability, but what I’d like to know, if this is doable and has

someone done this already and maybe perhaps point me to the right

Thanks in advance.


Gene LeDuc, GSEC
Security Analyst
San Diego State University

Hi Enrique,

Here are the functions I use for populating and reading CFs in scrips and
templates. I just wrapped function headers around the the code I found in
the wiki. The get_custom_list function uses brute force to find the CF Id
because I got tired of trying to figure out how to get it by name, but it
works for me (I only have a template version because I haven’t had to read
multiple values in a scrip yet, but converting it for scrip use should be

For scrips:

Sets custom field value

usage: set_custom($field_name, $field_value);

sub set_custom {
(my $CFName, my $CFValue) = @_;
my $CF_Obj = RT::CustomField->new($self->CurrentUser);
$CF_Obj->AddValueForObject(Object=>$self->TicketObj, Content=>$CFValue,);

Returns custom field value (single value) or undefined

usage: $value = get_custom($field_name);

sub get_custom {
my $target_name = $_[0];
my $val = $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue($target_name);
return $val
if defined $val;
return undef;

For templates:

Sets custom field value (works for single and multiple values)

usage: set_custom($field_name, $field_value);

sub set_custom {
(my $target_name, my $val) = @_;
my $CF_Obj = RT::CustomField->new($Ticket->CurrentUser);
$CF_Obj->AddValueForObject(Object=>$Ticket, Content=>$val,);

Returns custom field value (single value only) or undefined

usage: $value = get_custom($field_name);

sub get_custom {
my $target_name = $_[0];
my $val = $Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue($target_name);
return $val
if defined $val;
return undef;

Returns custom field values (multiple values) or undefined

usage: @list = get_custom_list($field_name);

sub get_custom_list {
my $target_name = $_[0];
my @ret;
my $CustomFields = $Ticket->QueueObj->TicketCustomFields();
while (my $CustomField = $CustomFields->Next()) {
if ($CustomField->Name eq $target_name) {
my $CustomFieldValues = $Ticket->CustomFieldValues($CustomField->Id);
while (my $val = $CustomFieldValues->Next()) {
push @ret, $val->Content;
return @ret
if defined @ret;
return undef;
return undef;


At 06:13 AM 4/6/2007, Enrique Gaona wrote: