Querying tickets via RT::Rest


is possible to query tickets (including custom fields) filtering by custom
fields using RT::Rest API?


is possible to query tickets (including custom fields) filtering by
custom fields using RT::Rest API?

RT::Client::REST (my module available on CPAN) can do most of those
things. Support for custom fields is not really there yet, though.

I could not find RT::Rest module you were talking about:

Search for "rt::rest" - metacpan.org

Are you confusing it with something else?

  • Dmitri.
  • Copying the list on my answer -On Fri, 2006-10-13 at 16:28 -0300, Thiago Cristino dos Santos wrote:

my @ticket = $rt->search(type => ‘ticket’, query => “Severity =
print (“Found tickets @ticket\n”);

Change that query to “CF.Severity = 100”.

  • Dmitri.