Purpose of keywords


What’s the purpose of the keywords in RT? Will the software catch keywords
from e-mails sent to a support address and allow it to be routed to
different support groups depending on the keyword match?

francis a. vidal [bitstop network services] | http://www.dagupan.com
streaming media + web hosting | http://www.keystone.ph
v(02)330-2871,(02)330-2872; f(02)330-2873 | http://www.kuro.ph

What’s the purpose of the keywords in RT?

This question was answered on the list just over a week ago:

Will the software catch keywords from e-mails sent to a support
address and allow it to be routed to different support groups
depending on the keyword match?

This isn’t what keywords do. You could probably write a Scrip that
examines the content of new tickets and allocates them according to
certain rules.
