Pros Only - Install Problem

I have a big problem setting up the RT Database. I have used PERL before but have
set up most of my databses for other software with a mysql script that gets

Is there such a thing for RT?? The installation script craps out because my MySQL
server has very scrict permissions against the root user. In addition to trying to
do the install here. I also tried creating the permissions before the ‘make
install’. Here are my questions during the install marked with a *******.

[root@mail rt-2-0-11]# make install
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/bin
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/WebRT/data
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/WebRT/sessiondata
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/etc
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/lib
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/WebRT/html
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/local/WebRT/html
/usr/bin/perl tools/initdb ‘mysql’ ‘/usr’ ‘localhost’ ‘’ ‘root’ ‘rt2’ create
Now creating a database for RT.
Enter the mysql password for root:

I entered the real root password. This one I know ***********

Creating mysql database rt2.
cp etc/acl.mysql ‘//opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘“mysql”‘g;
s’!!DB_DATABASE!!’“rt2”'g;" //opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
bin/initacls.mysql ‘/usr’ ‘localhost’ ‘’ ‘root’ ‘’ ‘rt2’ ‘//opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
Enter the mysql administrator’s database password to create a new user for RT
Enter password:

Is this the root password again or creation of a new password for the new user
called administrator?

ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: ‘root@localhost’ (Using password: NO)

I shouldn’t have gotten denied for this. I used the root password for the first one
and it worked in the script. On this one it crapped out.

Enter the mysql administrator’s database password to nondestructively reload the
Enter password:
/usr/bin/perl tools/initdb ‘mysql’ ‘/usr’ ‘localhost’ ‘’ ‘rt_user’ ‘rt2’ insert
Now populating database schema.
Enter the mysql password for rt_user:

Again I didn’t know whether this means create a password or if there is one in the
documentation to use. Either way it tried connecting with my new password for the
rt_user and it didn’t work

Creating database schema.
DBI->connect(dbname=rt2;host=localhost) failed: Access denied for
user: ‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initdb line 144
Access denied for user: ‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initdb
line 144, line 1.
make: *** [initdb.rtuser] Error 255

Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC


The installation script craps out because my MySQL server has very
scrict permissions against the root user. In addition to trying to
do the install here. I also tried creating the permissions before
the ‘make install’.

I had a problem similer to this. I solved it by stepping throug the
make file and initdb script to see what was going on. IIRC it prompts
you for the dba name and the rt user name. the former is used to
create the database and to create the rt user, and you get a bunch of
password prompts.

Instead of fighting with acls, I found it easiest to create an
rt-admin@rt-host account with full permission which I let rt use to
install what it needed, then I blew away it’s permissions. (it’s used
only at install time) hasn’t been a problem yet.


It was helpful to know that the Makefile needed to be edited. But the README doesn’t
say that. Also it still craps out using the third prompted password for the rt_user
which should be the default rt_pass that is in the Makefile. The bad part of this is
that if the config file already knows the password, is it prompting me.

Anyway the output is saying:

Access denied for rt_user@localhost (Using Password: YES) at tools/initdb line 144,
line 1

Any ideas??

seph ( wrote*:

The installation script craps out because my MySQL server has very
scrict permissions against the root user. In addition to trying to
do the install here. I also tried creating the permissions before
the ‘make install’.

I had a problem similer to this. I solved it by stepping throug the
make file and initdb script to see what was going on. IIRC it prompts
you for the dba name and the rt user name. the former is used to
create the database and to create the rt user, and you get a bunch of
password prompts.

Instead of fighting with acls, I found it easiest to create an
rt-admin@rt-host account with full permission which I let rt use to
install what it needed, then I blew away it’s permissions. (it’s used
only at install time) hasn’t been a problem yet.



Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC


Hash: SHA1

If you read the README, the #2 step is “Check over /tmp/rt/Makefile” going on
about variables “you NEED to customize”.

If you edit the Makefile (make sure there isn’t any whitespace after your
rt_user var and pass), you shouldn’t need to make the MySQL rt user by hand.On Monday 07 January 2002 04:16 pm, Joel Webb wrote:

It was helpful to know that the Makefile needed to be edited. But the
README doesn’t say that. Also it still craps out using the third prompted
password for the rt_user which should be the default rt_pass that is in the
Makefile. The bad part of this is that if the config file already knows the
password, is it prompting me.

Anyway the output is saying:

Access denied for rt_user@localhost (Using Password: YES) at tools/initdb
line 144, line 1

Any ideas??

seph ( wrote*:

The installation script craps out because my MySQL server has very
scrict permissions against the root user. In addition to trying to
do the install here. I also tried creating the permissions before
the ‘make install’.

I had a problem similer to this. I solved it by stepping throug the
make file and initdb script to see what was going on. IIRC it prompts
you for the dba name and the rt user name. the former is used to
create the database and to create the rt user, and you get a bunch of
password prompts.

Instead of fighting with acls, I found it easiest to create an
rt-admin@rt-host account with full permission which I let rt use to
install what it needed, then I blew away it’s permissions. (it’s used
only at install time) hasn’t been a problem yet.


Josh Krikke
MacNet Sysadmin Holland, MI
GnuPG Fingerprint: AC6F 13AC F945 CC45 BDFC 509E 8F41 9549 64DD 95DB
My public key
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


If you read the README, the #2 step is “Check over /tmp/rt/Makefile” going on
about variables “you NEED to customize”.
Eeeek, I’m an idiot.

If you edit the Makefile (make sure there isn’t any whitespace after your
rt_user var and pass), you shouldn’t need to make the MySQL rt user by hand.

Ok I edited the Makefile and changed ONLY the RT_USER password and the WEB_USER
lines. Here is the output.

[root@mail rt-2-0-11]# make install
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/bin
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/WebRT/data
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/WebRT/sessiondata
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/etc
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/lib
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/WebRT/html
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/local/WebRT/html
/usr/bin/perl tools/initdb ‘mysql’ ‘/usr’ ‘localhost’ ‘’ ‘root’ ‘rt2’ create
Now creating a database for RT.
Enter the mysql password for root:
Creating mysql database rt2.
cp etc/acl.mysql ‘//opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘“mysql”‘g;
s’!!DB_RT_PASS!!‘"myrt4m3 "‘g;
s’!!DB_DATABASE!!’“rt2”'g;" //opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
Substitution replacement not terminated at -e line 1.
make: *** [acls] Error 255

Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC


If you read the README, the #2 step is “Check over /tmp/rt/Makefile” going on
about variables “you NEED to customize”.
Eeeek, I’m an idiot.

If you edit the Makefile (make sure there isn’t any whitespace after your
rt_user var and pass), you shouldn’t need to make the MySQL rt user by hand.

Ok I edited the Makefile and changed ONLY the RT_USER password and the WEB_USER
lines. Here is the output.

[root@mail rt-2-0-11]# make install
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/bin
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/WebRT/data
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/WebRT/sessiondata
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/etc
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/lib
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/WebRT/html
mkdir -p //opt/rt2/local/WebRT/html
/usr/bin/perl tools/initdb ‘mysql’ ‘/usr’ ‘localhost’ ‘’ ‘root’ ‘rt2’ create
Now creating a database for RT.
Enter the mysql password for root:
Creating mysql database rt2.
cp etc/acl.mysql ‘//opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘“mysql”‘g;
s’!!DB_RT_PASS!!‘"myrt4m3 "‘g;
s’!!DB_DATABASE!!’“rt2”'g;" //opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
Substitution replacement not terminated at -e line 1.
make: *** [acls] Error 255


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

rt-users mailing list


As far as your problem goes, the original problem seemed to be a 

permissions for your database user inside your database after creation
were not set. To explain how to fix this probelm you will need to rtell me
which type of database you are using so I can look at the acl script
provided with rt for that databse to tell you if it is a databse issue or
a Makefile issue. Please let me know and I will get back to you with a fix
for your problem. Thanks. \

		-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211


What file has the mysql.acl in it?? I am looking at the insertdata file but I don’t
see what lines you are talking about.

I rewrote the mysql.acl script such
that the first two lines of the template script were commneted out or
deleted from the script. This will allow the third line which grants
permissions to the rt_user in the database to run. In mysql acl scripts if
any previous line fails the script exits and does not run subsequent
lines. You must edit the template script thought becvause if you edit only
the actual script run,

If you are talking about the initacls.mysql SHELL script. That particular script
looks like it is used many times by the perl instal script to make changes to the
MYSQL database. The “first two lines” in that script are variables so I don’t know
which scripts to edit. Can you tell me the script name and the line numbers??
That would be great if you could do that.


I am using mysql for my database backend.

Installs aren’t normally this complicated for people who have been using mysql.
Normally the installs are like this

mysql -u root rt2 -p < rt2databasesetup

Then in the rt2databasesetup is all the commands that would be
used to setup the database initially. I like the perl script, that helps, but
maintainance wise is a bear.

Let me know what you guys think. I have already installed the script half-way and
then started checking the permissions inside mysql outside of the script.Sort of
pausing where I am and checking to see if the script works on the backend. But I
couldn’t see the new user or anything. Any help is appreciated.

cp etc/acl.mysql ‘//opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘“mysql”‘g;
s’!!DB_RT_PASS!!‘"myrt4m3 "‘g;
s’!!DB_DATABASE!!’“rt2”'g;" //opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
Substitution replacement not terminated at -e line 1.
make: *** [acls] Error 255


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC



Before compiling remove the first two lines of the acl.mysql 

script in rt_directory(unzipped from distribution and Makefile
edited)/etc. Try that and let me know if it works.

		-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211
Email: hollow1@cc.gatech.eduOn Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Joel Webb wrote:


What file has the mysql.acl in it?? I am looking at the insertdata file but I don’t
see what lines you are talking about.

I rewrote the mysql.acl script such
that the first two lines of the template script were commneted out or
deleted from the script. This will allow the third line which grants
permissions to the rt_user in the database to run. In mysql acl scripts if
any previous line fails the script exits and does not run subsequent
lines. You must edit the template script thought becvause if you edit only
the actual script run,

If you are talking about the initacls.mysql SHELL script. That particular script
looks like it is used many times by the perl instal script to make changes to the
MYSQL database. The “first two lines” in that script are variables so I don’t know
which scripts to edit. Can you tell me the script name and the line numbers??
That would be great if you could do that.


On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Joel Webb wrote:

I am using mysql for my database backend.

Installs aren’t normally this complicated for people who have been using mysql.
Normally the installs are like this

mysql -u root rt2 -p < rt2databasesetup

Then in the rt2databasesetup is all the commands that would be
used to setup the database initially. I like the perl script, that helps, but
maintainance wise is a bear.

Let me know what you guys think. I have already installed the script half-way and
then started checking the permissions inside mysql outside of the script.Sort of
pausing where I am and checking to see if the script works on the backend. But I
couldn’t see the new user or anything. Any help is appreciated.

cp etc/acl.mysql ‘//opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘“mysql”‘g;
s’!!DB_RT_PASS!!‘"myrt4m3 "‘g;
s’!!DB_DATABASE!!’“rt2”'g;" //opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
Substitution replacement not terminated at -e line 1.
make: *** [acls] Error 255


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

rt-users mailing list

The first line of acl.mysql is a blank line.

I deleted that and the next line—> same error
then I deleted the next line which I think you were referring to ---->same error

For real, I think the setup would be a lot simpler if a mysql script was inacted.
Do any of you guys know where it is actually being setup in the installation
script?? Maybe I can install it that way??

Here is the output of the error:

Now populating database schema.
Enter the mysql password for rt_user:
Creating database schema.
DBI->connect(dbname=rt2;host=localhost) failed: Access denied for user: ‘rt_user
@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initdb line 144
Access denied for user: ‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initd
b line 144, line 1.
make: *** [initdb.rtuser] Error 255

James Adam Sigler ( wrote*:


Before compiling remove the first two lines of the acl.mysql
script in rt_directory(unzipped from distribution and Makefile
edited)/etc. Try that and let me know if it works.

-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211


What file has the mysql.acl in it?? I am looking at the insertdata file but I
see what lines you are talking about.

I rewrote the mysql.acl script such
that the first two lines of the template script were commneted out or
deleted from the script. This will allow the third line which grants
permissions to the rt_user in the database to run. In mysql acl scripts if
any previous line fails the script exits and does not run subsequent
lines. You must edit the template script thought becvause if you edit only
the actual script run,

If you are talking about the initacls.mysql SHELL script. That particular script
looks like it is used many times by the perl instal script to make changes to the
MYSQL database. The “first two lines” in that script are variables so I don’t
which scripts to edit. Can you tell me the script name and the line numbers??
That would be great if you could do that.


I am using mysql for my database backend.

Installs aren’t normally this complicated for people who have been using
Normally the installs are like this

mysql -u root rt2 -p < rt2databasesetup

Then in the rt2databasesetup is all the commands that would be
used to setup the database initially. I like the perl script, that helps, but
maintainance wise is a bear.

Let me know what you guys think. I have already installed the script half-way
then started checking the permissions inside mysql outside of the script.Sort
pausing where I am and checking to see if the script works on the backend.
But I
couldn’t see the new user or anything. Any help is appreciated.

cp etc/acl.mysql ‘//opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘“mysql”‘g;
s’!!DB_RT_PASS!!‘"myrt4m3 "‘g;
s’!!DB_DATABASE!!’“rt2”'g;" //opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
Substitution replacement not terminated at -e line 1.
make: *** [acls] Error 255


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

rt-users mailing list


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC



I’m pretty new with RT2 and the install of it, but i had the same error
in the beginning. My mistake was that the password i used during the
installation for the rt_user was not the same as the password which
was written in the Makefile in the rt directory.



Set this to the password used by the rt database user

*** Change This Before Installation***

DB_RT_PASS = [your passwd]


When i modified my Makefile and then treid it again , my problem was

Hopefully will i solve your problem to.On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Joel Webb wrote:

The first line of acl.mysql is a blank line.

I deleted that and the next line—> same error
then I deleted the next line which I think you were referring to ---->same error

For real, I think the setup would be a lot simpler if a mysql script was inacted.
Do any of you guys know where it is actually being setup in the installation
script?? Maybe I can install it that way??

Here is the output of the error:

Now populating database schema.
Enter the mysql password for rt_user:
Creating database schema.
DBI->connect(dbname=rt2;host=localhost) failed: Access denied for user: ‘rt_user
@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initdb line 144
Access denied for user: ‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initd
b line 144, line 1.
make: *** [initdb.rtuser] Error 255

James Adam Sigler ( wrote*:


Before compiling remove the first two lines of the acl.mysql
script in rt_directory(unzipped from distribution and Makefile
edited)/etc. Try that and let me know if it works.

-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Joel Webb wrote:


What file has the mysql.acl in it?? I am looking at the insertdata file but I
see what lines you are talking about.

I rewrote the mysql.acl script such
that the first two lines of the template script were commneted out or
deleted from the script. This will allow the third line which grants
permissions to the rt_user in the database to run. In mysql acl scripts if
any previous line fails the script exits and does not run subsequent
lines. You must edit the template script thought becvause if you edit only
the actual script run,

If you are talking about the initacls.mysql SHELL script. That particular script
looks like it is used many times by the perl instal script to make changes to the
MYSQL database. The “first two lines” in that script are variables so I don’t
which scripts to edit. Can you tell me the script name and the line numbers??
That would be great if you could do that.


On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Joel Webb wrote:

I am using mysql for my database backend.

Installs aren’t normally this complicated for people who have been using
Normally the installs are like this

mysql -u root rt2 -p < rt2databasesetup

Then in the rt2databasesetup is all the commands that would be
used to setup the database initially. I like the perl script, that helps, but
maintainance wise is a bear.

Let me know what you guys think. I have already installed the script half-way
then started checking the permissions inside mysql outside of the script.Sort
pausing where I am and checking to see if the script works on the backend.
But I
couldn’t see the new user or anything. Any help is appreciated.

cp etc/acl.mysql ‘//opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘“mysql”‘g;
s’!!DB_RT_PASS!!‘"myrt4m3 "‘g;
s’!!DB_DATABASE!!’“rt2”'g;" //opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
Substitution replacement not terminated at -e line 1.
make: *** [acls] Error 255


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

rt-users mailing list


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

rt-users mailing list


Lex Uijthof

EuroNet Internet B.V.
Lex Uijthof, OSS department
Muiderstraat 1, Postbus 11095, 1001 GB Amsterdam

I am positive I am not fat fingering the password. The password also has been
numerous times. I have used the default password. I have used new passwords. I have
double checked to see if the passwords don’t have blank spaces behind them.

Has anybody made a MySQL setup script instead of using the PERL??

Lex Uijthof ( wrote*:


I’m pretty new with RT2 and the install of it, but i had the same error
in the beginning. My mistake was that the password i used during the
installation for the rt_user was not the same as the password which
was written in the Makefile in the rt directory.



Set this to the password used by the rt database user

*** Change This Before Installation***

DB_RT_PASS = [your passwd]


When i modified my Makefile and then treid it again , my problem was

Hopefully will i solve your problem to.

The first line of acl.mysql is a blank line.

I deleted that and the next line—> same error
then I deleted the next line which I think you were referring to ---->same error

For real, I think the setup would be a lot simpler if a mysql script was inacted.
Do any of you guys know where it is actually being setup in the installation
script?? Maybe I can install it that way??

Here is the output of the error:

Now populating database schema.
Enter the mysql password for rt_user:
Creating database schema.
DBI->connect(dbname=rt2;host=localhost) failed: Access denied for user: ‘rt_user
@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initdb line 144
Access denied for user: ‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initd
b line 144, line 1.
make: *** [initdb.rtuser] Error 255

James Adam Sigler ( wrote*:


Before compiling remove the first two lines of the acl.mysql
script in rt_directory(unzipped from distribution and Makefile
edited)/etc. Try that and let me know if it works.

-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211


What file has the mysql.acl in it?? I am looking at the insertdata file but I
see what lines you are talking about.

I rewrote the mysql.acl script such
that the first two lines of the template script were commneted out or
deleted from the script. This will allow the third line which grants
permissions to the rt_user in the database to run. In mysql acl scripts if
any previous line fails the script exits and does not run subsequent
lines. You must edit the template script thought becvause if you edit only
the actual script run,

If you are talking about the initacls.mysql SHELL script. That particular
looks like it is used many times by the perl instal script to make changes to
MYSQL database. The “first two lines” in that script are variables so I don’t
which scripts to edit. Can you tell me the script name and the line numbers??
That would be great if you could do that.


I am using mysql for my database backend.

Installs aren’t normally this complicated for people who have been using
Normally the installs are like this

mysql -u root rt2 -p < rt2databasesetup

Then in the rt2databasesetup is all the commands that would be
used to setup the database initially. I like the perl script, that helps,
maintainance wise is a bear.

Let me know what you guys think. I have already installed the script half-
then started checking the permissions inside mysql outside of the
pausing where I am and checking to see if the script works on the backend.
But I
couldn’t see the new user or anything. Any help is appreciated.

cp etc/acl.mysql ‘//opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘“mysql”‘g;
s’!!DB_RT_PASS!!‘"myrt4m3 "‘g;
DB_DATABASE!!’“rt2”'g;" //opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
Substitution replacement not terminated at -e line 1.
make: *** [acls] Error 255


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

rt-users mailing list


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

rt-users mailing list


Lex Uijthof

EuroNet Internet B.V.
Lex Uijthof, OSS department
Muiderstraat 1, Postbus 11095, 1001 GB Amsterdam


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC


From your installation log:
s’!!DB_RT_PASS!!'"myrt4m3 "'g;\

It really looks to me like you have an embedded tab or set of spaces in there.
Start over with a clean copy of the sources. Really.On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 05:22:22PM +0000, Joel Webb wrote:

I am positive I am not fat fingering the password. The password also has been
numerous times. I have used the default password. I have used new passwords. I have
double checked to see if the passwords don’t have blank spaces behind them.

Has anybody made a MySQL setup script instead of using the PERL??

Lex Uijthof ( wrote*:


I’m pretty new with RT2 and the install of it, but i had the same error
in the beginning. My mistake was that the password i used during the
installation for the rt_user was not the same as the password which
was written in the Makefile in the rt directory.



Set this to the password used by the rt database user

*** Change This Before Installation***

DB_RT_PASS = [your passwd]


When i modified my Makefile and then treid it again , my problem was

Hopefully will i solve your problem to.

On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Joel Webb wrote:

The first line of acl.mysql is a blank line.

I deleted that and the next line—> same error
then I deleted the next line which I think you were referring to ---->same error

For real, I think the setup would be a lot simpler if a mysql script was inacted.
Do any of you guys know where it is actually being setup in the installation
script?? Maybe I can install it that way??

Here is the output of the error:

Now populating database schema.
Enter the mysql password for rt_user:
Creating database schema.
DBI->connect(dbname=rt2;host=localhost) failed: Access denied for user: ‘rt_user
@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initdb line 144
Access denied for user: ‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initd
b line 144, line 1.
make: *** [initdb.rtuser] Error 255

James Adam Sigler ( wrote*:


Before compiling remove the first two lines of the acl.mysql
script in rt_directory(unzipped from distribution and Makefile
edited)/etc. Try that and let me know if it works.

-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Joel Webb wrote:


What file has the mysql.acl in it?? I am looking at the insertdata file but I
see what lines you are talking about.

I rewrote the mysql.acl script such
that the first two lines of the template script were commneted out or
deleted from the script. This will allow the third line which grants
permissions to the rt_user in the database to run. In mysql acl scripts if
any previous line fails the script exits and does not run subsequent
lines. You must edit the template script thought becvause if you edit only
the actual script run,

If you are talking about the initacls.mysql SHELL script. That particular
looks like it is used many times by the perl instal script to make changes to
MYSQL database. The “first two lines” in that script are variables so I don’t
which scripts to edit. Can you tell me the script name and the line numbers??
That would be great if you could do that.


On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Joel Webb wrote:

I am using mysql for my database backend.

Installs aren’t normally this complicated for people who have been using
Normally the installs are like this

mysql -u root rt2 -p < rt2databasesetup

Then in the rt2databasesetup is all the commands that would be
used to setup the database initially. I like the perl script, that helps,
maintainance wise is a bear.

Let me know what you guys think. I have already installed the script half-
then started checking the permissions inside mysql outside of the
pausing where I am and checking to see if the script works on the backend.
But I
couldn’t see the new user or anything. Any help is appreciated.

cp etc/acl.mysql ‘//opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘“mysql”‘g;
s’!!DB_RT_PASS!!‘"myrt4m3 "‘g;
DB_DATABASE!!’“rt2”'g;" //opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
Substitution replacement not terminated at -e line 1.
make: *** [acls] Error 255


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

-James Adam Sigler-

James Adam Sigler
Research Scientist
College of Computing
Georgia Tech
Phone: 404-385-0391
Office: CoC 211


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

rt-users mailing list


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

rt-users mailing list


Lex Uijthof

EuroNet Internet B.V.
Lex Uijthof, OSS department
Muiderstraat 1, Postbus 11095, 1001 GB Amsterdam


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC

rt-users mailing list – Trouble Ticketing. Free.

|+ I am positive I am not fat fingering the password. The password also has been
|+ numerous times. I have used the default password. I have used new passwords. I have
|+ double checked to see if the passwords don’t have blank spaces behind them.

Just curious. What happens if you do a:

mysql -u rt_user -h <db_host> -p and when it prompts for
he password, enter what you know to be true. Does this work?

Just curious. What happens if you do a:

mysql -u rt_user -h <db_host> -p and when it prompts for
he password, enter what you know to be true. Does this work?

Yes it works, I even deleted all the stuff I was working from and started with a
fresh source like somebody suggested.

I left the default password the same in the Makefile. Will it crap out if I use the
default password?? I know it says to change it. I just don’t know if that is just
for security purposes, of they make you change the password for security purposes.
What is the deal?? NOBODY has answered my question about running a MYSQL script to
set up the database. Has anybody created one??

Enter the mysql administrator’s database password to nondestructively reload the
Enter password:
/usr/bin/perl tools/initdb ‘mysql’ ‘/usr’ ‘localhost’ ‘’ ‘rt_user’ ‘rt2’ insert
Now populating database schema.
Enter the mysql password for rt_user:
Creating database schema.
DBI->connect(dbname=rt2;host=localhost) failed: Access denied for
user: ‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initdb line 144
Access denied for user: ‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initdb
line 144, line 1.
make: *** [initdb.rtuser] Error 255

Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC


I can access the database outside useing the command prompt or through an admin gui
interface. So that is why I know there is a problem with the script.

Any ideas

Darrin Walton ( wrote*:

|+ I am positive I am not fat fingering the password. The password also has been
|+ numerous times. I have used the default password. I have used new passwords. I
|+ double checked to see if the passwords don’t have blank spaces behind them.

Just curious. What happens if you do a:

mysql -u rt_user -h <db_host> -p and when it prompts for
he password, enter what you know to be true. Does this work?


Joel Webb
WebbGroup Network Systems LLC
